---Worship Center

We are a Participatory Church, where each believer is loved, equipped, encouraged, and allowed to both minister and be ministered to according to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and which holds to Scripture's HomeChurch-WholeChurch model.

We pursue this vision through two primary means:

I. The practical dynamics of our assembly time

II. The HomeChurch-WholeChurch model of church structure

I. The practical dynamics of our assembly time

------We have an open/participatory church. That means that all are loved, equipped, encouraged, and allowed to both give and receive the things of the Spirit. No one-man-shows here. As it is only as "the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, which causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love". [Eph 4:16]
------We desire to come together in one accord and worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; entering the Holy of Holies through song, meditation, and ministering to God and to one another. [2Chron 5:11-14]
------Each is to bring a psalm, hymn, teaching, revelation, tongue, interpretation, etc. [1Cor. 14:26]
------We shall sing and pray with our spirits, and sing and pray with our minds. [1Cor 14:15]
------Each is to move in the gift and /or ministry that God gives. [1Cor 12:4-7]
It is imperative that the Holy Spirit guides and directs this time together. Each person should come prepared to worship through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, followed by quiet times so that the Spirit can minister to and through us. Feel free to minister both to the Lord and to each other as the Holy Spirit leads. Revelations, knowledge, and testimonies are to be shared. Requests for ministry and prayer are welcome. We may drift from quiet time to song and back. Each person is responsible to be sensitive to the Spirit and the ministries and needs of others. God is a God of order!

II. The HomeChurch-WholeChurch Model

As was normative for the Church in its first 300 years, we have organized ourselves as a city-wide cooperative of HomeChurches, each characterized by open, Spirit-led participation, while also exhibiting its own unique flavor. These local, energized buds of Christian life then join forces as a unitized WholeChurch -- a community expression of what God is doing in the smaller HomeChurches, through monthly gatherings, leadership collaboration, and corporate worship, vision, support, and accountability.
[See Acts 2:44, 46, 4:23, 31, 5:12, 20:7, Rom 1:7, 16:3, 5, 10-11, 14-15, etc.]

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Note: We are Christ-centered, Bible-based, and non-denominational.

A comprehensive statement of faith is available upon request.

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