!*~Ladaes of Ultimate Syn & Temptation~*!

Yah, yah I took the whole thing off! I just want everyone to know that in all my 23 years on earth, I have finally come to the point where I am completely satisfied with myself, who I am, and the company I keep. I only want to say Thank You to all those who have stayed with me through it all and accepted me for who I was the entire time. If it weren't for you guys, I don't think I would have made it!! So much Aloha and Mahalo to the following:
Kim, without you I think I would have jumped off of a 1 story building or something! Tra, 20 years! I'm glad we are as close as we are and that we are still friends! and most importantly to my Ohana! Mom, you were always more of a friend than a mom but I want you to know that you did a great job raising me and I can't think of anything different you could have done to do a better job! Dad, ya hippie! I want you to know that I will always be "Daddie's little girl" no matter how old I get, and I'll never forget all those important little lessons you have taught me along the way! Bro, for as long as I can remember, it's been just us 2, I just want you to know I'm aLwAyS here for you and Thank you for aLwAyS being there for me!

to anyone i may have forgotten, thank you so much for helping to make me the person that I am now, I am finally happy and content. It's the BEST feeling in the world!!

e-mail me @ jen_keiko@yahoo.com