Dalnet #SPM

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20/9/98 (Sun) The DALnet #SPM Mailing List, moderated by Verced is up and running. The address to subscribe to the mailing list is http://dalnetspm.listbot.com. For more information about the listbot, please go to FAQ section of Listbot.

01/10/98 (Thu)

The whole Jaring domain has been K-lined from DALnet (since 23-9-98). This means all Jaring users will not be able to connect to any of the DALnet IRC server for the time being. Due to this situation, the management has created a new #SPM channel in the StarChat IRC network. All the meetings from this date will be held on the StarChat #SPM channel until further notice. This IRC network is accessible to all Jaring users. These are the information of the StarChat network:
IRC server address: irc.tm.net.my
: irc.starchat.net
Ports: 6666, 6667

04/10/98 (Sun)

DALnet has lifted its K-line status over the Jaring domain. All SPMers are welcome back to the DALnet #SPM channel. All the meetings from this date will be held on the DALnet #SPM channel until further notice.

15/10/98 (Thu)

The DALnet #SPM BoardRoom is now up and running. It is for SPMers to submit & acquire tips or questions on the net (when there aren't any users in #SPM). Click here or the hyperlink above to visit the BoardRoom.
25/11/98 (Wed) DALnet has K-lined the whole Jaring domain AGAIN (please refer to the news on 1/10/98 above). According to H2S (an IRC-OP), DALnet will not lift its ban against the whole Jaring domain until they see a positive reply from Jaring. This channel will remain accessible to all using internet accounts other than Jaring (until further notice). All the meetings will still be held on the DALnet #SPM channel until further notice.
28/11/98 (Sat) DALnet has now K-lined both the Jaring & the TMnet domains (since today). This means that Jaring and TMnet users cannot connect into any of the DALnet servers.
04/12/98 (Fri) DALnet has just lifted the ban on the Jaring domain (on Thursday), but then, after a day or so (on Friday), they K-lined Jaring users from the DALnet servers again. Is this a joke or what?



1. The regular meetings are held on #SPM on Sundays (0000 - 0100).

Previous Meetings Schedule  Line

Last Update: 4th of December, 1998

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