+++powered by glorious mushrooms+++

established november 1996


!!!rated "poor" in the loading category!!!
by some webpage rating site the name of which i forget

A Dionysian Frenzy

the narcoleptic peter pan archives

* * *
stupid fucking idiot!!!.. that i am..
* * *
now you find yerself somewhere.. nowhere? even nowhere is somewhere...
i started this off three years ago.. and i worked on it so hard.. and it grew.. it became so huge! grand to my eyes.. grotesque to most.. but it was a child.. my child.. three years.. clicking away.. believing in something before it became in vogue.

only to find myself accidentally clicking a button one day and deleting the rest of the commands i had painstakingly typed and tried on this page for years.
* * *
the hardest part is realizing that, along the way, while making this page, i made some mistakes that, to my surprise, made it all the more interesting.. to make the right ones are easy.. you can always plan them out.. lay them out.. but to get those accidental moments(mistakes) could never be simulated.

the irony of it all is that something made out of mistakes might eventually be deleted by another mistake.

maybe all of this is a mistake.

ah well, here it is.. my attempt at trying to recover the old look.. but it pales in comparison.

September 8, 2000 was the day when i clicked the wrong button.

a bit of a primer doorways

you are now a statistic

under re-construction

yer presence was well appreciated

about the author

the narcoleptic peter pan, who is better known as ponchie buenavista
used to sing for milkfish and pedro's cannabis, now writes songs, records on his 4-track and sings for The Christmas Lights;
he is a member of the methylphenidate universal frequency oscillator network, the Please Ruin Yer Stereo Foundation;
writes not so good stuff every once in a while
updates his webpage occassionally
and owns two pairs of jack purcells sneakers.

while this webpage is hosted by geocities...

...a pretty fun place, all things considered.

last update: 01 December 2001