These links are organized by subjects

"Arts" Resources On-Line:

The Art Teacher Connection Great site for art resources and lesson ideas.

The @rtRoom A virtual learing environment for kids with many useful activities and information for curriculum planning.

Eyes on Art Excellent activities with develops skills of analyzing, critiquing & enjoying art.

The Music Education Launch Site A collection of lessons, links and info about music education

Music Resources on the Net A collection of some of the best music links on the web.

Readers Theatre Online Free readers' theatre scripts and links to other similar sites

World Wide Arts Resource searches all sorts of art related material

Early Childhood Resources On-Line:

Early Childhood Education Resources Dozens of ideas and resources organized by theme.

Preschool Pages Contains ideas, articles, projects, themes and more.


Language Arts Resources On-Line:

Children's Literature Web Guide A guide to anything you might want to know or find out about

The Complete Works of William Shakesspeare A link to resources

The Encyclopedia Mythica An encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and more.

ESL Links Articles, research papers, lessons plans, classroom handouts, teaching ideas, etc., all related to ESL

Project Gutenberg A project where every book ever published is being electronically processed. Most classics have already been completed.


History/Social Studies Resources On-Line:

American Memory Collections of primary source and archival material relating to American culture and history from the Library of Congress

Canadian Web Pages Links to all sorts of sites for our Canadian users.

The Historical Text Archive Text of almost any major historical document you would want, especially American History.

The History Channel Web Site Primary source historical documentation, archives of great speeches and This Day In History section

History/Social Studies Web Site for K-12 Teachers A hotlist of sources

Politics Now In-depth political analysis by major news services and papers

The States Everything you'd want to know about any location in any state.

Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust Resources, classroom activities, links, and more.

United Nations Home Page A source for information and services provided by the U.N.

U.S. Holocaust Museum

Women's History Home Page A guide to everything concerning women in history.

Women's Resources on the Web A hotlist of sources

Multi-Cultural Resources On-Line:

The Afriam Webnet

Britannica Guide to Black History From this site, examine nearly 400 years of African-American history.

Hot Internet Sites en Espanol! All sorts of links to sites in Spanish for teachers and students.

Index of Native-American resources on the net

Latino Link

Science & Math Resources On-Line:

Franklin Institute Science Museum A world of virtual exhibits

The Geometry Center Games, lessons, software

High School Science Source Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Mathematics Resources on the Web Links, conferences, organizations, etc.

Math Forum A center for Math education on the net

Mega Math Math concepts for kids

NASA Online Educational Resources

Science Education Zone A little bit of everything for the science teacher.

Science and Math Educational Resources A hotlist for other excellent links

The Smithsonian Institution

What's New in the World of Science Real Audio interviews with scientists, stories & hands-on activities on the latest in science.

Social Action--Taking Care of Our Society:

Amnesty International

54 Ways You Can Help the Homeless

Real Change Homeless Newspaper

Special Education/Gifted Resources On-line:

Gifted Resources Home Page A hotlist of sources for links, programs, lists and more.

LD Online: The Interactive Guide to Learning Disabilities LD OnLine offers information and ideas about learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children.

Special Needs Education Network Comprehensive resources for teachers, parents, and organizations.

Some of the best teacher resources available on the Web:

Academic Employment Network Listings for teacher positions nationwide

The Amazing Picture Machine A searchable index of Internet graphics supporting a wide variety of topics from historical photos to science diagrams.

Classroom Corporate Connection Information on free education programs (things for class, materials, grants, tours, workshops) offered by corporations.

College and Career Planning Links for every high school student/counselor

Education World a searchable database of education links

Exploratorium A museum of science, art and human perception

Guide to Museums & Cultural Resources on the Web Information about museums, aquaria, historical parks and other cultural institutions.

Hands-On Children's Museum Excellent for the 10 and under crowd.

Health,Physical Education , & Fitness One of the best collections of links.

PBS Online Teacher information about their specials and regular programing

PE Site A multi-source for those who teach physical education in any grade.

Puzzlemaker Create your own mazes, word searches, crosswords...

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators A fantastic hotlist for everything.

Shelley's Freebies for Teachers links to every possible freebie

Substitute Teacher Homepage All sorts of goodies for those who work as subs.

Urban Education Web Issues and resources for the urban teacher.

Video Placement Worldwide This group distributes educational videos and other materials, absolutely free,

How to find something not listed here:

Metacrawler A thorough search of all other search engines!

Yahoo! One search engine

HOTBOT A personal favorite for searches

Webcrawler Another excellent search engine

Dogpile I like this 'cause the name is so silly