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Psyfearia was born in a hostile country called Saurcania. She never had the opportunity to know her real parents. There were grand and wonderful stories told to her about her parents but she was too young to remember them. The earliest memories she had were of crazed lizard-mixes struggling for political and social domination over the elf-human mixes. The true-blooded lizards were the ruling elite class with a strong political pull. Efforts were made to disguise the elven & human people as lizards to ease racial tensions. Psyfearia, being half elf and half human, did her best to fit in but never really could. There was a crazed cousin who ranted that Psyfearia also had part lizard in her but no substantial proof had ever been presented. Psyfearia’s elven ears were "trimmed" in her youth for them to resemble more human ears, as humans were more readily accepted within Saurcanian culture. Psyfearia was raised by a bunch of barbarians. The barbarians took special care in protecting Psyfearia from harm and treated her as one of their own. They had raised her up and treated her gently. The barbarians’ favorite weapon of choice was the long sword. Many hours were spent teaching her how to fight with the long sword. However, she chose many times to fight with the shorter swords because she wasn’t that big. As time passed, tensions between the races mounted and things became increasingly more and more hostile. There were several times that beings were just slain for whatever whim the leaders felt. With most of the barbarians slain or run off, she ventured onward to find a better land. She traveled for many weeks across unknown lands and found a place called Archaeron with the golden ram’s skull. It was a young, savage and untamed country. There were not too many inhabitants. She was received there with warm and open arms. This land was not like any other land she had experienced. There were a bunch of chaotic souls there. They would do anything at anytime for any reason. There was a string of loyalty that ran through each that tied them all together but basically there was pure chaos that fed off of more chaos. This was great for Psyfearia. She had grown up in a militaristic and lawful country and needed to feel free to do what ever she wanted to do. Chaos was good for her. There were times though that open chaos was not the best thing and learning this proved to be useful. She had a disciplined mind coupled with a little bit of being spoiled from her childhood and now the freedom to do anything that she wanted and no one who would say boo hiss to her. She was having a great time. Chaotic countries don’t generally make as much money as organized countries. They tend to get money and things chaotically. Psyfearia was forced to face the reality that this might not be the best situation in the long run and decided to wander off again. Fortunately, she had learned the art of using a dagger and this was useful being a young woman venturing around. Usually most passers-by would think that she was unarmed and not bother her or, if they did, they wouldn’t expect her to be so feisty with a dagger. Love seems to strike when you are least expecting it and this was true for Psyfearia. While wandering around at a festival she bumped into a young man. At first there wasn’t much mutual attraction, but then love blossomed and there was plenty of attraction. Some have said there was too much attraction! Rayic was his name. Psyfearia and Rayic together joined the country of DaiDagan. They were never really far from each other. Together they achieved many goals. Psyfearia became chancellor of DaiDagan and Rayic moved up in rank and became Baron Rayic. They were to be wed to each other. The wedding didn’t happen though, in a drunken rage on the eve of the night to be, some evil words were spoken by Rayic said and they split apart forever. She left the country that evening and ventured off yet again. For years Psyfearia wandered, using drink and joining phony cults to forget her sorrows. She had disappeared to all those who had known her, and many believed she might be lost forever. Psyfearia herself began to suspect that she might truly be lost, but then the dream came: A vision of a great and glorious gryphon, crimson in hue and fierce of visage, rearing up before her and baring his claws. Looking down on Psyfearia through a single glaring eye, he spoke in a booming voice profuse with dark wisdom. "You seek belonging and wish to find a home. If you would be one of my children and find the home and family you seek, come unto us and prove your worth or fail and wander aimlessly amongst the lesser beings of the world." Psyfearia woke with the sound of his voice still in her ears. That day she broke camp and headed for the renowned, mighty and feared land of the Crimson Gryphon. From that day forward she has been a devout follower of the Gryphon’s way. CSS papers...
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