Informal Morals of Mordom

Early in my quest to join Mordom
I asked some pretty tough questions.
Here are some of the informal morals that have developed over the years...
Game Duties:
Mordomians must fulfill their office without considering country ties:
A Mordomian acting as an elder, monster, NPC, Noble, Marshal or executive
board member must fulfill their office without considering country ties (but try
to be diplomatic about it).
Gaming Rules:
If the rules of the game or adventure put us at odds, so be it.
Always obey the spirit as well as the letter of the rules. If you are put on a team
and told that the other team is your enemy, treat them as such no matter what
surcoat they wear.
Lying & Deceit:
Lying to a Mordomian is fine as long as it is not with intent to harm them.
For instance lying to The Lord General Keldar about some sketchy stuff going on
or lying to Kiernan about hiring a mage. This kind of stuff is fine as long as it
is not going to harm us or the country. Mordomians, and those we expect to
act as Mordomians, are never to act against the self interest of another Mordomian.
Favoritism & Mannerisms:
You don't always have to favor a Mordomian but you never harm one.
It is considered good manners to favor your countrymen but is not required. For example:
if you are selling something and a Mordomian bids lower than an outsider it is acceptable
to go with the higher bid.
Never steal from a fellow Mordomian.
It is frowned upon to even steal from a fallen comrade for personal gain --though keeping
an item active in the country is understandable --pulling a relic off of a Mordomian so
someone continues to use it is fine.
Do or Die—for the Good of the Country:
If the Mordomian must have the item or they will die, give it to them,
or if the country ever needs something for the country as a whole to win or gain everyone
is expected to pull out all the stops for Mordom as a whole. The good of the country
as a whole ALWAYS comes first.
Killing & Murder:
As for killing a Mordomian, this is never acceptable unless
the person is possessed, diseased, mind controlled, etc. and they are attacking fellow
Mordomians. Even in those instances -- Mordom will try do their best to have the
Mordomian cured. If someone has to be put to death, for whatever reason, it should
be a Mordomian who gives the death stroke.
Disagreements & Duels:
A duel between two willing Mordomians is their own business –
any kind of duel is fine, as long as both parties agree - poisoned toothpicks at twenty
paces, whatever.
Assassinations & Foreign Influence:
An Assassination on a Mordomian is even worse than straight
forward killing and involvement of foreigners is even worse. This is never acceptable.
If possible, the involved individuals should iron things out. If a mediator is needed,
The Lord General Keldar would be happy to act as such. However, if it is an issue
that needs the country's attention, it will be brought before the Landstradt and the
country as a whole will decide and act as it sees fit.
Of Utmost Importance:
The most important thing to keep in mind is that we are all friends –
so close that as we often say that we are a family.
A collaboration of Information Gathered
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