Prabhu Kumbakonam

8132 Heatherton Lane,#101                                                                                                        Phone no.: (703)-573-4258

Vienna, VA 22180                                                                                                                       E-mail:


Objective:        Seeking a challenging full time position in the area of financial modeling and analysis of mortgages, mortgagebacked securities and other fixed income instruments.


Education:       School of Business and Public Management, 

George Washington University (GWU)                                                                        Washington, DC 

                        Masters of Business Administration (Finance), GPA: 4.0 / 4.0                                            May 2002


University of Madras                                                                                                   Chennai, India   

                        Bachelors of Engineering, GPA: 8.0 / 10.0                                                                       April 1993         


Honors:           Valedictorian in GWU's School of Business and Public Management

                        Member of Beta Gamma Sigma, honor society for Business Programs.

                        Top Ranking Student in the university in Undergraduate degree program. 


Projects:         Interest Rate Prediction Model                                                                                  GWU, DC

                        Predicting short term and long term interest rates.                                                            Sept 2001

·        Used independent economic variables in the model to predict

future short and long term interest rates in the US capital markets. 

·        Estimated interest rates using regression method on chosen economic indicators. 



Alternative Mortgage Instruments - Analysis                                                           GWU, DC

Calculation of present value of cash flows generated from different mortgage instruments.   Oct 2001

·        Comparison of different mortgage instruments and their relative benefits.

·        Studied and valued duration of each mortgage instrument, and recommended the best possible choice of instrument based on the yield curve.



Experience:     Fannie Mae                                                                                                                  Washington, DC

                        Team Lead                                                                                                                    Feb 2000–present

·        Working in a leadership role in a team of system administrators.

·        Providing Technical and Managerial guidance to the weekend team.

·        Installed and Maintained Sun Solaris servers for business clusters with a combined book of business of more than a trillion dollars.

·        Working on Veritas Cluster Server (VCS), Veritas File Systems (VxFS) on Enterprise class SUN servers including the latest SunFire 6800s.


RamTech Systems                                                                                                       Fairfax, VA       

Consultant in Fannie Mae                                                                                                Dec 1998-Feb 2000

·        Worked as Systems Administrator in Fannie Mae (Consulting Position)

·        Installed Solaris 2.6, partitioned hard disks and created file systems on Enterprise 5000 systems.

·        Worked on High Availability (HA) systems and ran extensive tests to ensure proper functioning of the servers.

·        Analyzed the performance of UNIX servers using sar, vmstat, netstat, iostat to know CPU utilization, and bottle necks of IO devices, memory usage and network traffic.


Software Technology International                                                                            Nashua, NH

Systems Administrator                                                                                                    Oct 1997-Dec 1998

·        Worked as Consultant in Lucent Technologies, North Andover, MA.

·        Installed Solaris 2.5.1, partitioned hard disks, and created filesystems on Enterprise 6000 systems.

·        Configured‘Install Servers’ for Solaris 2.5.1 and 2.6 and jump-started installation of the workstations through jumpstart server. 

·        Installed Netscape Enterprise Server 3.0 and configured the web server. 

·        Provided 24x7support to the production division. Worked in a highly demanding environment with very high machine uptime requirements.


            Wipro Limited  , Infotech Division                                                                               Secunderabad, India                       

Customer Support Engineer                                                                                             April 94 - Sep. 97

·        Worked as UNIX System Administrator, Installed Solaris 2.x & SUN OS 4.x, partitioned and mounted file systems. Created user logins and configured printers.

·        Installed Veritas Volume Manageron Sparc Storage array. Created Volumes and configured RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 0+1, RAID 5. Resized the Unix filesystems using the volume manager according to the needs.

·        Installed FDDI interface on SPARC Server 1000 and configured it for the network.

·        Wrote PERL scripts to monitor the performance of Unix system and performed

regularbackup and restore of Unix file systems using ufsdumpandufsrestore .

·        Connected Solaris on SPARC and INTEL platforms, established network connectivity with PC’s through PC-NFS.

·        Installed and configured network equipment’s like Hub’s, LAN Terminal Servers (LTS) and Modems. Configured modems as Dial-in/Dial-out or Bi-directional and connected Solaris systems using UUCP.


Reference:      Available upon request.