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Enoch (the seventh from Adam) was the first one who left us his record. Genesis 5:21-24.
He was both a Sabbath-keeper and a teacher of the second coming.
See his prophecy in the book of Jude, verses 14-15.
If you are interested in knowing what the old SDA church believed, compared to the "New Theology" of todays church, then this is the site for you.
We do have some modern stuff as well though!!
Our recommendation on HOW TO USE THIS SITE
After that - there'll be new items in "What's New?'
or you can browse the "Alpha" list
Helpful hints on How to Study the Bible - there's a right and a wrong way!!
Try this link for an explanation of the character of God. It's not ours but we like it.
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sanctuary and its services in plain English?
You might like to have a look at "Conversations on Doctrine"
Bible Study Sites:: The Book of Romans
Below are some "specials"
"Justification (righteousness) by faith" by E J Waggoner
(Did you know that the judgment is also called a wedding?)
This page is addressed to:-
"The saints... and to the faithful in Jesus.... " Ephesians 1:1
Do you believe that no one's perfect???? Try this.
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Have a look at "A Few Thoughts"
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