Fallen Angel

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Hey now, My name is Angel
I'm a quiet girl of 18. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, so I let it go by and hope someone else will decide for me. All I know is that I am falling down, and that I love to write, and draw, and play my guitar, even though I'm not sure I'm good at any of them. I love music and I've written some songs. If you would like to hear a few nice stories and some poems that may or may not be good....you've come to the right place.

So, sit back and hear a tale or two
I don't promise they are good, only that they are my life.

Email me at angel_09@mailexcite.com if you want to.

Links to other sites on the Web

The Semi-official Murmurs Home Page
NOCNITSA: A cool girl and her cool stories
The Official Buffy The Vampire Slayer Home Page
Official Home Page for the movie All Over Me

Here are some of my stories so far:

Two Lonelinesses
The Princess and the Apprentice
The Key
Just Another Fairy Story

Here is a poem:The Firefly
Here are a couple of my songs so far:Songs

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© 1997 angel_09@mailexcite.com

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