Welcome! If you have a website that has something to do with Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism, Spells, Rituals or Magick, then you can join my webring! Just fill out the form below, then return to this page and copy and paste the html fragment below the form onto the page that you have listed as your website. Blessed Be! NOTE: YOU MUST PLACE THE HTML FRAGMENT ONTO THE EXACT PAGE THAT YOU LISTED AS YOUR WEB PAGE WHEN YOU FILLED OUT THE FORM. IF YOU HAVE A SEPERATE PAGE FOR WEBRINGS, THEN LIST THAT PAGE'S ADDRESS AS YOUR SITE URL WHEN YOU FILL OUT THE FORM, OTHERWISE PEOPLE CAN GET LOST.
Copy and paste this entire html fragment onto your designated page, then fill in your e-mail address, name and ring id number (you will be supplied with one when you sign up) where it says to.
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