Well guys, I figured that because there are soooooo many sites out there with the history of Wicca, and that unless I fully went into the amount of detail that it would take to make it all make sense (that's a LOT of detail) then there wasn't really much point in going into it here. Because there is no basic history of the Craft. It's all very extensive and each little bit is as important as the next, to make it all fit together. And it goes back for hundreds of years, so if I was to spend time writing it all out here, I wouldn't have much time to spend on the rest of the site. And what's the point when there is so much info out there that's readily available for anyone who's willing to look? Well now as my gift to you you don't even have to look. I have found one of the BEST sites out there about the history of Paganism, Wicca and Witchcraft, in detail! So what are you waiting for? Get to it!! But don't forget to come back and finish checking out the rest of my Realm! 80)

Click here to visit 'The Library Of Witchcraft.'