Frequently Asked Questions
I have created this page for all of you who wish to e-mail me, but ask me the same questions over and over again. If you find the answer to your question here, then there you go. If not, e-mail me and I'll get back to you!

Do you worship/believe in the Devil?
The answer to this question is no, plain and simple. For details, click here.

Do you curse people?
No, it is against the Wiccan Rede and my morals. However, if someone is mean or unfair to me without any reason, I may do either a binding spell (which just stops them being mean) or a reflecting negetivity spell (which reflects what they send to me back to them, i.e. if they are mean to me, they will get it back but only what they deserve, no more and no less).

Will you send me a curse that I can do on someone I hate or who has been unfair to me?
No. Read the answer to the question above this one.

Is it necessary to do spells and rituals in the nude, because it's more natural?
Believe it or not, this is a common question. But no. If you want to, if it feels more natural, and if you feel happy and comfortable doing it, then by all means go ahead. But if you feel uncomfortable, don't. This is because if you are feeling unhappy or negetive during a spell or ritual, these negetive energies will affect the spell/ritual. Always make sure you feel comfortable and happy. Personally I like to wear comfortable clothes, and I don't find that the working is any less powerful than if I were nude, as long as I have the right intentions. This is because I am comfortable and happy. I've read about people who perform naked and they believe it makes them more in touch with nature. It's totally up to you.

Does it matter if I accidently miss some of the Sabbats while I'm still learning?
No. If you miss some, then you can just take part in them next time if you like. It's no big deal if you miss a special day while you're just starting out. The Goddes and God will know that you're trying hard, and won't hold it against you, I'm sure!!!

Do I have to perform a dedication ritual before I can do spellwork?
I have a friend who is not Wiccan, but still likes to do spells from time to time. This is perfectly okay. Anyone has the ability to bring magick into their lives, no matter religion. Remember, Wicca is a RELIGION, and you don't have to belong to it to perform spells or rituals.

Do I have to handwrite my Book Of Shadows, or can I type it out?
You can do which ever. Traditionally, Witches handwrote their B.O.S.s with a special quill pen and some magickal ink, but what with the new millenium on us and all, (the age of computers!) it's perfectly acceptable to type it out, print it off, and keep it in a folder or binder book. My own B.O.S. is actually part handwritten, part typed and part photocopied!! I use a 3 ring binder folder, because that way I can change the pages to a different order, take things out, etc. You may not get the same feeling you get with an ancient, leather-bound, grimoire, written in calligraphy style, but in this day and age you have to admit it's easier and more practical. But do what you like, whatever is comfortable.... you could have both if you like!!! Just remember if you type it out, make sure you save your work!

If you want to write my e-mail address down, it is:
or you can click on the scroll below to e-mail me right now!