Star Spirit's Enchanted Realm Of Wicca
Merry Meet and welcome to Star Spirit's Enchanted Realm Of Wicca. I am Star Spirit, an Australian eclectic witch. After searching the net for ages trying to find Australian based sites about Wicca, and only finding a handful of good ones, I decided to make my own! This site is Australian based, but it has much valuable information that can be used all over the world!
If you're just starting out on your path of the Craft, if you're looking for information, or even if you're an adept in Wicca, this site will benefit you! It is mainly devoted to Wicca and Witchcraft, Spells, Rituals, etc., but there are also snippits of information about other paths such as Paganism, Faerie, Shamanism, etc. Just choose where you want to go from the list below. Blessed Be!
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This site was last updated on:
April 8th, 2000.

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Spiritual Paths- Various spiritual paths that you may come across and their differences, e.g. Wicca, Fearie, Shamanism, etc.
Wicca- What it is (and isn't!).
F.A.Q.s- Frequently asked questions about Wicca.
Terminolgy- Some words that are used on this site.
Getting Started- A guide for beginners.
Harm None- A very important rule that all Wiccans must follow.
The Threefold Return- Another very important rule for Wiccans to follow.
The Wiccan Rede- A beautiful, well-known and well respected piece of writing outlining the basic 'rules' of Wicca.
Principles of Belief- A statement made by the Council of American Witches, that can be applied to almost everyone who follows Wicca, whether they be American, Australian, English, Irish, etc.
13 Goals Of A Witch- These goals where written by the legendary Scott Cunningham. All of them may not apply to everyone, but they are definately worth a read.
Wiccan Traditions- Different traditions that some Witches may follow.
Magickal Names- What they are and how to find yours.
Tools- Stocking your magickal cabinet.
The Quarters And Elements- The four quarters, why they are important, and the elements that correspond to each point.
Book Of Shadows- What it is and things that are found in a basic B.O.S.
Moon Guide- Spellcasting by the moon, moon phases and types of moons.
The Lord and The Lady- How the Goddess and the God come together to become Spirit.
Sabbats- Special days of celebration and their dates for both hemispheres, plus a Wheel of the Year.
Correspondences- What they mean to you and how to incorperate them into your spells/rituals.
Spells and Rituals- What they are and the differences between them.
History- All about the past of the Craft.
Deities- Gods and Goddesses, their origins and there 'specialties'
Divination- Tarot, Scrying, Runes, etc.
Casting the Circle- What it is and how to do it.
Spells & Rituals- Read other people's or submit your own.
Designing Spells and Rituals- Basic formats for writing your own.
Creative Visualization- A great asset for emergency spellwork. Learn why and how.
Meditation- What it is and how to do it.
Chat- Chat to other people LIVE!
Posting Board- Read other people's messages or post your own.
Networking- Find like-minded people, covens, or events in your area.
Newsletter- Subscribe to my newsletter for free, read past issues or submit your own article.
Links- Find other great sites to visit.
Books- A reccomended reading list
Supplies- Some great shops around the world, shops that deliver and online stores.
Site Survey- Please take a moment to fill it out. Thanks! You're opinions will benifit the future of this web site.
Awards- View the awards this site has won.
Win My Awards- Submit your site for one of my awards.
Webrings- Check out the webrings that I am a member of.
My Webring- If you have a site of your own, join my ring!.
Me- About me and my path.
F.A.Q.s- Please don't e-mail me until you've read these. If you send an e-mail asking me one of the questions in here, don't be surprised if I don't reply.
If you want to write my e-mail address down, it is:
or you can click on the scroll below to e-mail me right now!

This site is made possible thanks to GeoCities. This site's posting board, e-mail forms, search engine and mailing list are thanks to Bravenet. And a very special thank you goes to Mjolnir for this site's background image, and The Esoteric Bookshop Web Site for the title image. Thanks guys!