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What Is The Missouri Lodge of Research?
As Missouri Freemasons, from the newest Master Mason to the most senior Past Master, seek Masonic Light, the Missouri Lodge of Research is there to help. Founded originally as a local Masonic Study Group in 1923, the Missouri Lodge of Research was chartered in 1941 by the Grand Lodge of Missouri (Article 25.060), and since then has continually strived to provide educational and instructional materials that will enable our members to learn about and understand the "beautiful system of morals, veiled in allegory" that Freemasonry teaches its initiates.
Our Goals
Our goals in the Missouri Lodge of Research are simple and straightforward. They are: To Educate, To Publish, and To Communicate Masonic information, particularly the results of Masonic Research, to our members.
Our Purpose and Function
The purpose and function of the Missouri Lodge of Research is to provide a forum for the study, discussion and diffusion of Masonic knowledge, and to promote interest in Speculative Masonry. Its research deals not only with the historical and philosophical aspects of Masonry, but also with important issues confronting our Ancient Craft now and in the future.
The Grand Lodge of Missouri chartered the Missouri Lodge of Research, and extended to it the authority to conduct research, hold discussions, gather and preserve Masonic Information, maintain a library, supply papers or speakers at the request of other constituent Lodges, and to conduct programs of general service to our Fraternity in the field of Masonic education and information.
Why Research Freemasonry?
The mission of Freemasonry is an earthly one. Our Masonic calling is to be "builders" in the here and now. We see, as our special duty, the use of the ingenuity and compassion that the Great Architect of the Universe has given to all human beings. We feel it our responsibility to let shine the Light of Wisdom and Brotherly Love amidst the darkness of prevailing prejudice, inequality, intolerance, and injustice; to act with moral principles; to help the unfortunate; and to increase the general fund of human knowledge and understanding.
While research is often involved with the past, the Missouri Lodge of Research takes full advantage of today's modern communications technology to share the results of our Labors with our Brethren and the world-at-large.
All of the materials produced by the Missouri Lodge of Research are designed for the individual Master Mason, rather than the Masonic scholar. We believe our Craft is a serious organization in its purpose, but also believe this purpose can be communicated in an informative and interesting manner.
The main difference between Research Lodges and regular constituent lodges is that Research Lodges cannot confer degrees, nor are they entitled to representation at or any vote in Grand Lodge Communications.
Why Join The Lodge of Research?
Each year we provide our members with a book on a relevant Masonic topic. Historical documents, once off-limits, are now available to scholarly Masons for research and publication. These books are designed to challenge your thinking, correct faulty information, and provide invaluable insights as to the origin, legends, myths, catechisms and history of Freemasonry in Missouri and around the world.
Masonic Research Lodges are nothing new in Freemasonry. Many other Masonic jurisdictions have Lodges of Research. All are comprised of Freemasons interested in the study of Freemasonry, and who by their contributions, make it possible to publish and distribute the results of their studies and investigations.
Who May Join?
Any Master Mason living in Missouri may become an Active Member. If living in another jurisdiction, he may become a Corresponding Member. If any Lodge, library or other organization cares to join, they become Subscribing Members.
There are no initiation or affiliation fees. The Lodge is supported by annual dues from its members. These dues are used for administrative costs, the printing of Masonic literature, purchasing books for our members, and funding grants to Masonic researchers. Other than a modest honorarium to our Secretary/Treasurer, there are no salaries. Every penny of our funds is expended for Masonic purposes and the enlightenment of our members.
When Does The Lodge Meet?
Two scheduled meetings are held annually. The first is at the Grand Lodge of Missouri's Annual Communication. During this meeting, Lodge officers are elected and installed, and the general business of the Lodge is conducted. In addition, a Lodge of Research breakfast is normally held where a knowledgeable Masonic speaker addresses the group. A second meeting is held during the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons Convocation. There is normally a breakfast meeting and a speaker. Like any Missouri Lodge, the Lodge of Research is subject to the call of the Master, and may meet at any place within the State of Missouri. Notification of such meetings is provided to all Lodge of Research members.
How Do I Join?
It is very easy. Go to the section entitled, "How Do I Join?" There are instructions as well as a form that can be printed out and mailed directly to the Missouri Lodge of Research.
Within a few days you will receive your membership card, and you are then entitled to all of the "lights, rights, and benefits" of the Missouri Lodge of Research. As a member, you will also be entitled to submit the findings of your own Masonic Research, if you so choose.
Every year you will receive a book on an important Masonic topic (normally in the winter months). Most members find these books well worth our modest annual dues. When excess funds permit, we also send out a "bonus" book. You can also purchase books that have been previously distributed to our membership.
We invite you to take this important step in your Masonic career. You will be pleasantly surprised by what you can learn about Freemasonry, while enjoying the fellowship of some of the most learned Masonic scholars in Missouri and the world.
For those who are "Modem Masons" and have access to the Internet, we invite you to visit our award-winning Missouri Lodge of Research web site. You will have immediate access to some the best and most comprehensive Masonic Research currently available on the web. Many Freemasons from around the world consider it the finest Masonic Research web site on the Internet.
Come join us, Brethren. You will be glad you did!
© Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000. Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and
Accepted Masons of the State of Missouri. All rights reserved.