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Missouri Masonic Lodge of Research
Grand Lodge of Missouri
5998 Anno Lucis
The proper study of Freemasonry can become a lifelong labor of love. No other institution offers its initiates the breadth and depth of ethics, tenents, morals, dogma and lessons for living in a turbulent world.
Each newly made Freemason is admonished to seek Masonic Light as he proceeds through each of the succeeding degrees. And even the most senior Past Master has more to learn about beautiful system of morals offered only in the lessons of our Beloved Ancient Craft.
So where can you begin? There is no single approach as the interests and needs of each Brother varies. However, we can offer the following as a starting point. We strongly encourage each Freemason to customize the following to suit his requirements. You may even wish to print out this page and save it for your personal files or share it with another Brother Freemason.
Where do you start your course of study? Why not go to any of the major Encyclopedias on Freemasonry. You will be able to find information on any of the topics listed below. There are obvious ommissions to the lists shown below, but you will also find those topics listed in most publications on Freemasonry. And, of course, checking more than one source will only serve to increase your knowledge about the world's oldest and largest Fraternity -- Freemasonry.
General foundations of Masonic knowledge beginning with the fundamentals may be obtained by first examining what is said about each of the following:
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Antiquity of Freemasonry | Primitive Freemasonry |
Definition of Freemasonry | Speculative Freemasonry |
Ethics of Freemasonry | Symbolism, Science of |
Mysteries, Ancient | Traveling |
Origin of Freemasonry |
Next, investigate the work performed in Masonic labor as designated by:
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Degrees | Ritual |
Esoteric Freemasonry | Secret Societies |
Initiation | Side Degrees |
Oral Instruction | Symbolic Degrees |
Rite |
To understand the religious aspects of Freemasonry, seek out articles and topics on:
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Apocalyptic Degrees | Resurrection |
Bible | Scriptures |
Christianity of Freemasonry | Speculative Freemasonry |
Crusades | Spurious Freemasonry |
Patron Saints of Freemasonry | Templar Origin of Freemasonry |
Religion of Freemasonry |
After examining the above topics, you will next want to investigate:
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Alchemy | Morality of Freemasonry |
Bridge Builders | Mysticism |
Comacine Masters | Philosophic Degrees |
Ecossism | Progressive Freemasonry |
High Degrees | Scottish Rite |
Ineffable | Secret Doctrine |
Jacobins | Stone-Masons |
Jesuits | Strict Observance |
Legends | Stuart Freemasonry |
A general study of the various rites, ceremonies and ritualistic systems may now be begun. A list of interesting and very informative topics is shown below. While the number of these items is large, the study of the introductory references already given will enable the student of Freemasonry to make a selection of the topics that most appeal to him.
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Ablution | Grand Pontiff |
Adonhiramite Masonry | Harodim, Prince of |
Adoption, Masonic | Heredom |
Alliance, Sacred | Hermetic Art |
Apocalyptic Degrees | Hermetic Rite |
Auxiliary Degrees | High Degrees |
Cumulation of Rites | Holy City, Knight of |
Detached Degrees | Holy Sepulchre, Knight of |
East and West, Knight of | Honorary Thirty-thirds |
Ecossais | H.R.D.M. |
Ecossism | Ineffable Degrees |
Elect, Grand | Ineffable Triangle |
Elect of Fifteen | I.N.R.I. |
Elect of Nine | Intendant of the Building |
Elect of Perignan | Intimate Secretary |
Elect of Truth, Rite of | Jurisdiction of Supreme Council |
Elect, Perfect & Sublime Mason | Kadosh |
Elect Philosopher | Knight (numerous references) |
Grand Orient | Mizraim, Rite of |
Mother Council | Sacred Asylum of High Masonry |
Mustard Seed, Order of | Saint Germain |
Napoleonic Freemasonry | Scottish Rite |
Naochite | Secret Master |
Oath | Secret Vault |
Order | Select Master |
Order of Knighthood | Senatorial Chamber |
Osiris Mysteries | Seneschal |
Paschal Feasts | Serpent, Knight of Brazen |
Patents | Seth |
Patriarch, Grand | Side Degrees |
Patriarch of Crusades | Sovereign |
Philalethes, Rite of | Step |
Philosophic Degrees | Stone-Mason |
Postulant | Stone Worship |
Practicus | Strict Observance, Rite of |
Preparation of Candidate | Stuart Masonry |
Priest | Sublime Knight Elected |
Primitive Rite | Sun Worship |
Prince of Jerusalem | Supreme Council |
Proofs | Sword |
Reformed Rite | Talmud |
Robes | Temple, Order of |
Rose Croix, Prince of | Teutonic Knights |
Rosicrucianism | Wardens |
Royal Arch of Solomon | Watchwords |
Royal Order of Scotland | Will |
Sabaism | Zadok |
A study of the unique system of Masonic jurisprudence is suggested for any Brother seeking a more indepth knowledge of our Fraternity.
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Absence | Constitution of Lodge |
Accuser | Crimes |
Acquittal | Debate |
Active Member | Declaration |
Adjournment | Dedication |
Admission | Definition of Freemasonry |
Admonition | Demit |
Affiliated Freemason | Dimit |
Affirmation | Dispensation |
Age, Lawful | Due Examination |
Aid and Assistance | Election |
Amendment | Emergency |
Ample Form | Equivocation |
Annual Communication | Examination |
Appeal, Right of | Expulsion |
Arbitration | Free-born |
Arrest of Charter | Free-will |
Assembly | Grand Lodge |
Atheist | Honorary |
Ballot | Incorporation |
Ballot-box | Infringing |
Ballot, Unanimity of | Inherent Rights |
Behavior | Jurisdiction |
Beneficiary | Landmarks |
Blackball | Legend |
Book of Constitutions | Lewis |
Business | Lodge |
By-laws | Motion |
Candidate | Oath |
Casting Vote | Secret Societies |
Processions | Statutes |
Qualifications | Trials |
Regalia | Unanimous Consent |
Religion | Vacancies |
Revival | Wives, Widows & Daughters |
© Copyright 1998. Missouri Masonic Lodge of Research. All rights reserved.