The Missouri Lodge of Research Crest


Literati derives from the Latin meaning "those that study" or "men
     of letters" ~ ~ a most worthy description of our learned Masonic

The Open Book represents the Book of Holy Writ resting on
     our Masonic Altar, and embodies our Eternal Love for the
     Great Architect of The Universe.

The Square & Compasses symbolizes our Beloved Ancient Craft,
     while the Trowel is emblematic of the true and unfailing Brotherly
     Love we seek for all of mankind.

The encircling Olive Leaves are the ancient symbol of Peace, and
     the most noble goal of Speculative Freemasonry.

The flanking Pomegranate Leaves, used by Solomon to adorn his
     Temple's mighty Pillars, represent the true Beauty of a life
      well-spent in the search for Masonic Knowledge and Wisdom.

The Knights' Helmet, a symbol of nobility and chivalry, alludes
     to the noble cause of seeking Truth through Masonic Light and
     of serving our Fellow Man through the Ancient and Eternal
     Tenets of Freemasonry.


  ~ RWB Phillip G. Elam                    


© Copyright 2000 ~ 6000 Anno Lucis. Missouri Lodge of Research. All rights reserved.