- Two. One to screw in the bulb and the other to screw every woman in the trailer park.
(Oh so cleverly submitted by Mrs. Scumbler wearing 100% Cotton who also gave us these wise words to take with us, "Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh means stop that little boy.")
- Two. One to stick the lightbulb through the hole in his hand, and one to spin him around
- Two. One to spin it in and one that prays to god that it works.
(submitted by warren piez wearing Just the Facts Ma'am)
- Two, but they'd better be pretty small if they're gonna
screw in a lightbulb. Bu-dum-bum.
(submitted by Marie O'Connor wearing a banana yellow vinyl jumpsuit with soldering gunholster)
- Two. One to rotate the lightbulb in the socket while the other is getting tacked up on some log to save us from the sins of the world.
(submitted by W.C. Fields who was drunk, just drunk.)
- Two... One to get the nails out of his hands and the other to spin the bulb
(cooperation is the key to success, Jesuses. So speaks Eoin McMassive, wearing Chanel No. 5)
- One to wonder who wants jack daniels and one enterprising diciple to jot down the Word of the Lord inscribe it on really cool bracelts and sell em to baptist kids.
(submitted by lauren yeah baby wearing Chanel No. 5. What a popular fragrance.)