The Open-Ended Jesus Lightbulb Joke Page

Don't poke the man! This is the Open-Ended Jesus

Lightbulb Joke. It is an open forum for

witty people like you to take a crack at

the world's oldest organized institution.

No, not Prodigy, silly! Christianity!

Feel free to leave your conclusion to the following query:

 The Question

Here's all the answers we've recieved sorted by number of Jesuses. Check them out!

Click here for answers with one Click here for answers with two Click here for answers with none Click here for answers that are other

A sort of, "Top 9 funniest answers we've recieved" list. Read em and Weep. Literally.

Think you're funnier? We hope somebody is. Stick it here.
Bock! I'm pressing charges!

By the way.............. what are you wearing?

Put yer name right here. Even if it is a really silly sounding name. We don't care.

If you actually took the time to read any of them which made you slap you knee till you bled?




Centuries and centuries of artistic evolution have led to, The Gallery.

The Open-Ended Jesus Lightbulb Joke may be such a sparkling fountain of divine communal expression that you will never want to leave, not even to go to the bathroom or to check if you got something neat in the mail. But we'd like to remind you that Jesus Illumination culture is sweeping the globe. Follow this link to explore the myriad paths to enlightenment.

Disclaimer: The authors of this page are not responsible for THE VENGEANCE OF THE GODS wreaked upon contributors to this heathenism.

Good? Bad? Single? Just want to see us burn in some form of nasty after life? Write us. Mr. Kidd and Mr. Wint