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How To Abandon A Burning House Without Fear and Panic

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This site last revised January 1, 2002
FEAR and PANIC usually results from not knowing what to do and how to do it.  Your best defense against fear and panic is to continually practice fire drills from the structure.  Plan fire escape routes and practice them  by having everyone envolved in the drill.  The goal is to get everyone out of the burning structure quickly and calmly.  If you have a fire extinguisher, fight only small fires.  If you have not put the fire out within THREE MINUTES - you have a fire out of control !!!  Leave the structure !!!

The suggestions here are very basic.  For more information on fire escape plans click here >  Fire Escape Plans

 Plan ahead:

  • Using graph paper, make a diagram of your building or home.  Mark both normal and secondary exits.  Always plan two exits.
  • If your home has no automatic fire alarm, decide on one of your own -  such as a bell or whistle.
  • After establishing your fire escape plan, practice it so everyone knows all escape paths.
  • Arrange for a meeting place outside the structure where everyone can safely meet to count heads.  Get out and stay out!
  • Learn where the nearest fire alarm box or telephone is located for calling    911  or the number for the local fire department.
  • Do not stay inside the building to make the call.  A fire doubles every three minutes.  You could quickly become overwhelmed by the smoke and heat.
  • Buy several smoke detectors and always test your smoke detectors.  Smoke detectors are the most inexpensive item you can own that can save property and lives.  It also provides the fastest early warning that there is smoke within the structure.  (See Smoke Detectors on the Home Page)
  • When sleeping, YOU WILL NOT automatically wake up if there is smoke in the house.
  • Tell the children not to wait for any reason.  Tell them that they are to go to the outside meeting place as soon as they hear the smoke detector go off, and that they are NOT to leave that meeting place.  Ask what happen and why when they are outside and safe.
  • Fire smart kids know how to leave a structure and call the fire department.  A fire smart kid may be the one who saves your life.

Safety Information Guideline Sheets
Carbon Monoxide Facts and Safety
Keeping Kids Safe
Special Note to Parents
Planing Home Fire Escape Routes
Smoke Detector
Exiting Without Fear
Food Safety
Fire Extinguisher
Electrical Fire Safety
Portable Heaters
Wood Burning Stove Safety
Camp Site Safety
Manufactured Houseing Safety
Mobile Homes
Winter Storm Safety
Tornado Safety
Commercial Airline Facts
 Emergency Evacuation & Sheltering
Basic First Aid
CPR Tips
What Medics Want you to Know
Safety Facts Input Requests Form

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