FIRE SAFETY can only happen
if YOU take part in teaching your child as he/she grows up. It is
your responsibility to train your child, NOT just the school system.
You as a parent must show the child that you feel these things are important.
The child will follow your footsteps. Your actions as a parent teaches
a child more than what we can as firemen. Please take responsibility
and learn fire safety and practice it within the home.
As you teach your child,
remember that Fire Smart Kids:
Know how to STOP,
DROP, and ROLL as well as Smother,
Remove, and call a Doctor.
Know how to put out burning
clothes on another child if they are the only ones around.
Know what to do in a real fire,
to get out and stay out.
Know that they should never
hide from a fire, to get out of the house instead.
Know what firemen look like
with their smoke masks and coats; not afraid of them when they see
Know two ways to escape from
every room and have practiced it.
Know not to wait for anything.
Just get out!
Know that they never use an
elevator during a fire.
Know that where you see smoke
to use another exit.
Know that if you have to escape
through smoke to crawl low and that the best air is near the floor.
Know how to call the fire department
once they are outside.
Know how to tell the fire department
where the fire is.
Know how many people are in
their family and where they are.
Know that there is a special
meeting place when they leave a burning building.
Know the difference between
a low battery alarm and a real smoke detector alarm sound.
Know that they are not to play
with matches and lighters or cooking/heating devices.
Know that they should tell
a grown-up if they see other children playing with matches and starting
Know what the word HOT means.
Know the correct way to pull
an electrical cord from the outlet.
Know that if they are young,
not to touch things that Mom and Dad have shown not to touch.
Know what good fires are and
what bad fires are.
Knows how to use safety ladders
to escape from their upstairs bedrooms.
Knows to feel the door before
they open it.
Know that in a real fire (not
like ones on TV) are very very dark and not to panic as they are getting
out of the house.