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Picture of a fire tool
This site last revised January 1, 2000

Do Not Pack in luggage or carry on board: (read Plan Ahead)

Fireworks: Signal flares, sparklers or other explosives.

Flammable Liquids or Solids: Fuel, paints, lighter refills, matches 

Household items: Drain cleaners and solvents

Pressure containers: Spray cans, butane fuel, scuba tanks, propane tanks, CO2 cartridges, self-inflating rafts

Weapons: Firearms, ammunition, gunpowder, mace, tear gas or pepper spray

Other hazardous Materials: Dry ice, gasoline-powered tools, wet-cell batteries, camping equipment with fuel, radioactive materials (except limited quantities), poisons, infectious substances

The above list is not all-inclusive.  For exceptions, read "Plan Ahead'. 

Beware. Many common items used everyday in the home or workplace may seem harmless, however, when transported by air, they can be very dangerous.  In flight, variations in temperature and pressure can cause items to leak, generate toxic fumes or start a fire.

It's the Law...You must declare your hazardous materials to the airline, air package carrier or U.S. Postal Service.  Violators of Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations (49, CFR Parts 171-180) may be subject to, a civil penalty of up to $25,000 for each violation and, in appropriate cases, a criminal penalty of up to $5000,000 and/or imprisonment of up to 5 years.

Plan Ahead

Hazardous materials are prohibited in luggage or carried on board.

There are certain exceptions for personal care, medical needs, sporting equipment and items to support physically challenged passengers. For example:
Personal Care Items containing hazardous materials (e.g., flammable perfume, aerosols) totaling no more than 75 ounces may be carried on board.  Contents of each container may not exceed 16 liquid ounces.

Matcher and Lighters may only be carried on your person. However,"strike-anywhere" matches, lighters with flammable liquid reservoirs and lighter fluid are forbidden.

A passenger on an aircraft may not carry Firearms and Ammunitions.  However, unloaded firearms may be transported in checked luggage if declared to the agent at check in and packed in a suitable container.   Handguns must be in a locked container.  Boxed small arms ammunition for personal use may be transported in checked luggage.  Amounts may vary depending on the airline.

Dry ice (4 pounds or less) for packing perishables may be carried on board an aircraft provided the package is vented.

Electric wheelchairs must be transported in accordance with airline requirements.  The battery may need to be dismounted.

Further restrictions may apply to the above items.  Some items may be shipped as air cargo.  If you are unsure whether the item you wish to pack in your luggage or ship by air is hazardous contact your airline representative.

Material obtained from:
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Research and Special Programs Administration
This material may be reprinted.

Safety Information Guideline Sheets
Carbon Monoxide Facts and Safety
Keeping Kids Safe
Special Note to Parents
Planing Home Fire Escape Routes
Smoke Detector
Exiting Without Fear
Food Safety
Fire Extinguisher
Electrical Fire Safety
Portable Heaters
Wood Burning Stove Safety
Camp Site Safety
Manufactured Houseing Safety
Mobile Homes
Winter Storm Safety
Tornado Safety
Commercial Airline Facts
 Emergency Evacuation & Sheltering
Basic First Aid
CPR Tips
What Medics Want you to Know