Page updated 10th May 2007
Books, Lapidary and other equipment which members can borrow.
The Society has a very comprehensive library of books, journals etc. related to geological and related subjects. These are usually available at all our monthly meetings.
The Society has an extensive list of Lapidary and other geological related equipment. This list is available for members to see at all our monthly meetings.
Procedure for borrowing Society equipment.
- Contact Equipment manager [EM] and request loan of item.
- He/she will direct the borrower to the equipment holder.
- Borrower to contact equipment holder and arrange for handover of equipment.
- Borrower to inspect equipment for soundness on taking possession, he/she should inform EM if anything is wrong.
- Borrower to inform EM when he/she takes possession.
- When borrower has finished using equipment it should be returned to equipment holder.
- The EM to be informed of date of its return.
- On return, the equipment holder to inspect equipment on behalf of the Society and if there are any problems to inform EM.
- The EM then to enact repair or other resolution of problem.
- The current holder of the equipment will be asked to confirm the whereabouts and condition of equipment to enable the Treasurer to complete the annual report for the AGM.
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