Mes Amis ^_^
A true friend always leave us better than he finds us For those who knows me, it is pretty much common knowledge to you guys now,
It seems to me pointless to write something about every single one of my friends... because they are everything in many ways... and if I attempt to do that I will probably spend my whole life
-Bennie Harris
for those who doesn't... I enjoy being alone, I am not comfortable being with a lot of people at once, in many ways yes, I am extremely anti-social, self-centred... and yes, the world DOES revolve around me and me only ^^" (so stop arguing) However, that doesn't mean that I don't understand the importance of friends in everyone's life (yes yes, for those of you who are quite slow... I DO have friends).
It may sound a bit ludicrous and unhealthy to "categorise" our friends, but to me, there are friends who I 'crap-talk' to, friends who I hang out with and then there are one of two of those whom by their very presense, change my perception of life (in a good way).
on it. So... if I you know me and I had given you this url personally, you know that I
treasure your friendship. If I know you but didn't tell you anything about my homepage, you only knew about it because you sneaked up behind me and heard me talked about it or whatever... you mean mean person, weasel... (getting a bit out of line here, but HEY! DON'T expect me to apologise!)
Ha Ha, but these people are have too much importance in my life that it will be unreasonable not to mention anything about them... so here goes ~
¥Õ¶º³½ ~ My bestest dearest friend whom I grew up with, nice nice nice kind person... yes... one of those rare species you can find today
Isabella ~ My great friend, funny, witty, and very kind. Another person whom I grew up with
½¼¨ý¥ý ~ Cool girl with attitude! Very outgoing. Great person, I admire her personality
¯»¬õ½Þ ~ Stylish, very stylish. Another nice person who I turn to everytime!