The Very very very START

So you've chose to browse my FABULOUS page from the start hum.... I must say, pal, you just proved yourself a wise person ^_^ Do enjoy your stay, any comments please feel free to e-mail me, or simply sign my guestbook ^^" Have FUN!

Last updated: 30th January 2000
New page Have you ever thought of this? part three go and have a look sometime okie? You can also find it easily by clicking on the 'specialz' icon below.

Ha Ha Ha, completely changed the 'my friends' page... click on the icon below and see the new improvements lo

Aristotle's Message Board

Happy B-day Dad!!! ^_^

Guestbook by Guest World

Special thanks to the following pages without which this site cannot be completed. Thanks guys ^_^

Mel's FullMoonGraphic SS Graphics by Kelly Counterman