Comic Links!
Peanuts Fabulous site with everything you ever want to know about Snoopy and friends
Meg Here come Meg, with an attitude and a passion for soccer
Fluff I found this on the net while surfing, very interesting.
Dilbert I can never understand what he is on about...
ZaffyVille Well decorated site with interesting graphics! Joe Worthwhile page with the unusual "Bubble Theory"... Susan Really a well organised and presented site about our old school - FCI and a lot more! Mable Best personal site I have ever seen on the net, check it our yourself! Angela Lovely site with photos of Angela and her splendid art works, worth taking a look around!Mes Amis
Yijai Ha, I assure you, this is the most organised personal homepage ever, take a look at his link page... very impressive
Sofasoap ^_^ I am so proud of her, I have been waiting for this day for a long time... anyway, she has a nice site with informations on video games and lots more!
CNN Catch up with the news around the world! National Geographic My fovourite magazine, a fully functional site with interesting interactive activities!More Serious Matters...
WWF Global Click on and learn more about our planet and it's widelife.