Cool Links

Comic Links!

Peanuts Fabulous site with everything you ever want to know about Snoopy and friends

Meg Here come Meg, with an attitude and a passion for soccer

Fluff I found this on the net while surfing, very interesting.

Dilbert I can never understand what he is on about...

Mes Amis

ZaffyVille Well decorated site with interesting graphics!

Joe Worthwhile page with the unusual "Bubble Theory"...

Susan Really a well organised and presented site about our old school - FCI and a lot more!

Mable Best personal site I have ever seen on the net, check it our yourself!

Angela Lovely site with photos of Angela and her splendid art works, worth taking a look around!

Michael If you are a car craze as he is, you won't want to miss this page!

Yijai Ha, I assure you, this is the most organised personal homepage ever, take a look at his link page... very impressive

Sofasoap ^_^ I am so proud of her, I have been waiting for this day for a long time... anyway, she has a nice site with informations on video games and lots more!

More Serious Matters...

CNN Catch up with the news around the world!

National Geographic My fovourite magazine, a fully functional site with interesting interactive activities!

Green Peace Click on and know more about our environment, sign up and support your local Green Peace Organisation!

WWF Global Click on and learn more about our planet and it's widelife.