Omouse's Strange Internet Ramblings
Omouse's Strange Internet Ramblings
Hi. I'm Omouse. I ramble a lot. This is an offshoot of my Bad Poetry Page that has become my major hobby. It's not one of those day to day things... more like Omouse's opinions on the strangeness of certain things in life. That sounds pretentious... I try to avoid pretention because my friend Liarbyrd would wring my neck. Anyway... here's a bit about Me... and Liarbyrd too.
The Latest Entry
March 12 - The First Ramble
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
March 25 - Shakespeare and Kareoke
April 1 - April Fool's Day and Ducks
April 3 - Shakeyland
April 6 - The beginnings of the great saga of Omouse's trip through the United Kingdom.
April 7 - Isle of Skye, Scotland
April 8 - Edinburgh
April 9 - Scottish weather and Loch Ness Monsters.
April 9, part 2 - Night out and Edinburgh hostel experience
April 10 - Castles and museums
April 11 - St. Giles and train trip
April 12 - York's Towers, Castles and Dungeons
April 13 - Vikings, Ghosts, Trains, York Minster and it's bells
April 14 - Cardiff, capitol of Wales
April 15 - Bizarre Bath
April 18 - Roman Bath Fires, wiggly cathedral tongues, and Jane Austen
April 22 - War ships, and seaside views
June 7 - Revamps and dirty poetry
June 7 pt 2 - Life's decisions, and the coolness of Paul Simon.
June 9 - Final Exams and Pancakes
June 10 - Final Exams and the Joy of Showers
June 11 - Omouse and Liarbyrd Finally Get to Dover!
June 12 - Fire Alarms and Evil Clown Cakes
June 13 - Travel Plans and ooh! Bowling!
June 15 - Trains, coaches, and ferries, oh my
June 16 - Castles and Peat Farms
June 17 - Ferry Crossings
June 19 - Killarny
June 20 - Leisurely Bike Rides
June 22 - From Cork to Dublin
June 24 - Windsor, Harrods, and Summer Solstice Karma
June 26 - Paris sightseeing and my Argentinian television debut
June 27 - Versailles and brides galore
June 28 - Monet and Oscar Wilde
August 30 - Omouse Flakage and new Roomies
September 4 - Roomates, party and student teaching prospects.
September 5 - Poetry and Politics
September 7 - LACMA and Dave
September 14 - Student teaching observations
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