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Ode to Bad Poetry

Oh! Bad poetry. The elusive jewel
of the novice writer who believes
Passion is his only tool.

He speaks in cliché
Of the moon in June and wings of doves,
Using of them as he may.

Following a rigid format,
Letting style and meter run unbridled,
Draining the meaning from all that.

Theme, if it exists,
Explores the darker aspects of life.
Trite revelations that must desist!

And punctuation!
Everyone knows frequent exclamation!
Are more exciting when coupled with odd rhymes like salutation!

If you can not repress the urge to rhyme,
If you find it happens all the time,
Whether unknowingly, unwittingly, or unawares,
Consider another vocation.
Do you have any stock market shares?

Finally, if there’s a moral at the end,
Oh please, won’t you send
It to our collection?
Here is the address,
According to my recollection.

Just drop me an e-mail and if it's really bad, and you know it is, I will be happy to post it. J

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