Our site will display links to various Holocaust Related Sites,
that were particularly well done.

on a guided tour of the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. Hopefully after seeing this site you will want to plan a trip to go and see it.
This site shows incredible pictures taken during the time of the Holocaust.
HOLOCAUST ART COLLECTIONThis site shows increible art work, done by various artists during
the time of the Holocaust.
HOLOCAUST SURVIOUR SPEAKSThis site is an extremly special site.
A Holocaust survivour tells her moving story.
This link deals with the wondeful,and touching story of Anne Frank.
WHY SHOULD WE LEARN ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST?This site spreads one person's perspective on the importance of learning the Holocaust in schools.
HOLOCAUST GOLD STUDY This site shows the law case pertaining to the Holocaust Gold. The Holocaust Gold, included the money, gold and riches that the Nazi's confiscated from the Jews.
YAD VASHEMThis link will take you to the spectacular Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Once in this site, you have the choice to visit all the attractions that you could experience live, if you actully went to Israel.
THE HOLOCAUST CENTERThis is a wonderful site that deals with the many occurances tat took place during the holocaust.
THE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM IN HOUSTON This site is in memory of the holocaust and deals with the rememberance of it. It is located in Houston, Texas.
THE NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALSThis site Displays the persecution and hardships that the gay community had to endure.
HOLOCAUST STUDIESThis site Displays essays on the twelve milion people that were needlessly lost.
HOLOCAUST HOPEThis site is dedicated to putting hate on hold and keeping the stories of survivours alive..
ELLEN NIELSONHer wonderful story tells us how she helped Jewish people escape by boat to Sweden.
THE MIAMI BEACH HOLOCAUST MEMORIALThis site contains a wealth of information as well as a number of pictures of the holocaust.

A PIECE OF OUR HISTORY This excellent site contains an excellent source of ideas and information that anyone seeking information concerning the Holocaust should look at.
HOLOCAUST TEACHER RESOURCE CENTERThis site strives to combat prejudice and bigotry by transforming the horrors of the Holocaust into positive lessons to help make the world a better place to live in.
FORGOTTEN VICTIMS This site tells the story of the non-Jewish victims who perished in the holocaust. It is important that they not be forgotten.
FIVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST This site attempts to answer some of the many questions that remain unwanswered pertaining to the holocaust.
C.A.N.D.L.E.S. This site seeks to educate the public of the atrocities that took place in the deadly laboratory experiments in Aushwitz.
SHOAH: VISUAL HISTORY FOUNDATION Founded by Steven Spielberg, this site is dedicated to the preservance of video-taped interviews of holocaust survivors
FACING HISTORY AND OURSELVES This website offers a dynamic framework for examining history and human behaviour.
THE HOLOCAUST ALBUM This website offers a collection of historical and contemporary photographs taken during the holocaust.
ELIE WIESEL'S CONTRIBUTION This site tells us of the many contributions that Mr. Wiesel has made in order never forget what happened in the holocaust.
HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL CENTER IN MICHIGAN This site displays a wonderful museum in Michigan dedicated to the rememberance of the holocaust.
OSKAR SCHINDLER This site reminds us of the efforts that Oskar Schindler put forth in order to save many innocent people from total extermination.
THE HOLOCAUST GENOCIDE PROJECT This website focuses on promoting awareness and education towards these horrible events in order to make a positive influence in the world.
THE SHAMASH HOMEPAGE This site contains a wealth of information about the holocaust that refutes any information of holocaust deniers.
FORGOTTEN VICTIMS This site tells the story of U.S. civillians and P.O.W.s that ended up in concentration camps and what the U.S. Government did and did not do to help.
THE DESERT HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL This site was put up by the people of the Holocaust museum in Palm Springs California.
L'CHAIM This site stands to remind us all that the death of one human being at the hand's of another is one too many.
HOLOCAUST & ANTI-SEMITISM LINKS This page displays many interesting and informative links pertaining to the Holocaust.
SWISS BANK DORMANT ACCOUNTS This website contains lists of the dormant accounts opened by non-Swiss individuals prior to the end of World War Two.
WOMEN & THE HOLOCAUST This site displays the many things that women endured during the Holocaust.
SHOAH MUSEUM This museum, located in Belgium focases on deportation and the resistance movement.
DARCHEI-NOAM This site was constructed by the members of Darchei-Noam Synagogue in Toronto. It provides a listing of Jewish organizations and events in the Greater Toronto Area.
JEWISH INTERNET CONSORTIUM HOLOCAUST PAGE This site contains a wealth of information about the Holocaust and refutes the efforts of Holocaust deniers.
VIRTUAL TOUR OF DACHAU This site is the accumulation of records and photographs taken during and after World War Two.



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