Stuff that used to be on this page is now here.

If there isn't enough to bore you here, check out my journal!

Hi. Patrick Beherec here. You might possibly know me from State of unBeing or Gopher, where I'm known as Crux Ansata, Nemo est Sanctus, Bobbi Sands, and a few lesser used handles. More recently, you might know me from Raped Ape Magazine, an excellent zine for which I write occasionally, or Nameless and Damned, an occasional journal which I write and edit. I wrote for Apocalypse Culture Productions, and used to work as a research technician in the research and development department of the hydrocartology firm, Stormwater Research Group. I used to work for the Leander Independant School District, usually on campus at Leander High School or Leander Middle School. I'm was also Precinct Chairman for the Reform Party in Williamson County, Texas, Precinct 259, during the 2000 election cycle. Go figure.

I spent thirteen months working full-time as a Covenant House Faith Community volunteer at the Atlantic City location. In December of 2001, I signed on full time. I cannot believe I'm still at it.

Achtung! My address -- -- does not work. I don't know how long it has not been working. Sometimes it sends me mail; sometimes it redirects it to some no doubt very confused lower-level city official in Springdale, Ohio. If you want email to reach me, try Send me mail. Send me crochet tips. Send me inside information on nuclear suitcase bombs. Send me pictures. Whatever.

Then, go do something. Give blood. Fight city hall. Choose life. Read a book. Liberate a chosen people. Listen to all your Bach CDs backwards to see which one was most evil. Sing a song. Write a book. Write your congressman. Right your congressman. Indict your congressman. Ignite your congressman. (In the safest and most legal manner possible, of course.) Take a class. Get down with your bad self. But whatever you do, do something.


Spirit And Sky Top Site Award 2004
Spirit And Sky
Top Spiritual Site

NOTE: The Greek characters on these pages are displayed with the SPIonic font, from Scholar's Press. Sanskrit transliterations are displayed with the Times_Norman Roman font from the University of Cambridge.
© Copyright 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004 Patrick Beherec