Welcome to DeWayne's Roost!

Welcome friend. My name is DeWayne. Come on in and stay a while. There's plenty to see and do. First, let me take this opportunity to thank those who helped with the development of my pages. Many thanks to John who taught me some basic HTML programming. John specializes in web site design, and for a nominal fee, can design a page for you. You can reach him through A2Z_DESIGNS. Credit for this picture of me goes to a artist/photographer friend of mine named Craig. Take some time and check out the photography on Craig's page. It's really very good.

You can't tell from my picture, but I'm in a wheelchair. In November of 1993 I was involved in a automobile accident that left me paralyzed from the chest down. On my pages you will read terms referring to disabilities and the disabled. I am not real good with political correctness so if I've used a term that offends you I apologize. My intent is to inform and possibly help others who deal with disabilities; not to offend anyone. Which ever term you prefer is fine with me, but to me, they are all the same. I've heard that dogs with fleas don't appreciate being called "flea bags", but instead prefer the term "host dog." Sorry, but that's my only poor attempt at politically correct humor.

Needless to say a spinal cord injury dramatically changed my life. It has taken me a long time to reach the point where I no longer see my disability as punishment. Instead I now see it as a test. A test of that human spirit that exists in all of us, and a test of my resolve to carry on despite severe adversity.

Spinal cord injuries as well as any disability affects the family as a whole and not just the individual. Everyone involved needs support. I was fortunate to receive a great deal of support from family and friends. Since my injury I have made many new friends in the disabled community who have helped me more than they will ever know. From these people I was able to draw the strength I needed to once again move my life in a positive direction. I owe all of them a debt of gratitude that I will never be able to repay. What I can do is share my experiences and hopes with those who travel this road behind me. Because of this desire to help others and their families start the healing process I've listed a few links to disability related sites that helped me.

Want to see more pictures and get to know me better? CLICK HERE. If you would like some links to my favorite Civil War and Stock Market sites as well as some sites of my friends then CLICK HERE.


Some good disability related links:

ME - JPG New Mobility Magazine's home page

ME - JPG Enable Magazine's home page

ME - JPG Info on the Americans with Disabilities Act

ME - JPG Cleveland's Center of Functional Electrical Stimulation

ME - JPG Melissa's page on SMA

ME - JPGWestern Amputee Support Alliance

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