This is:

Apples & Oranges

You're now part of a multimedia affair...

Our first feature is writer/visual artist

Lori Sears

Cover design

			sensitivity #21

			slap in the face hand
			reaches for the cookie jar
			so many kinds
			inside choices to decide
			without crack crumble
			fall into scattered
			mix matched back together
			but don't fit it


			all the time i was
			placating the sorrow
			stream i was 'not'
			seen running
			tumble over clever
			mountains making
			skip stones to set
			by shores of lakes i
			once cried tears
			enough to fill with
			my sadness i now
			let go like one
			sentient drop

Poetry links (still under construction):

Here's looking at you!This page created by DR. GONZO, using recycled electrons. :-)

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