The Story So Far

Version 2.0

6/14/99--Now, after uploading the real links page to replace the "under construction" filler, Aphistis Realm V2.0 is finally finished. Now I can turn my attention to troubleshooting and such. I'm expecting a big music update in the next couple of weeks, and I'm securing some new writing as well, so all appears well for now.

5/24/99--After almost an entire year with no attention whatsoever, Aphistis' Realm is once again active, and rebuilt from scratch. The old site, started within days of my first HTML tutorial, was fraught with problems, and rather than troubleshoot over 100 HTML documents individually, I decided to start completely over. The new design is a great improvement over the old; it employs CSS (cascading style sheets) extensively, and this makes for a much more flexible, streamlined, and cohesive site. All works posted on Version 1.x are still included, and I plan to resume my search for fresh material as well.

Version 1.2

6/26/98--Oh man, where has the time gone? What? Weekly updates? What on earth was I thinking??? I'm not even sure this counts as an update, since mostly it was just housekeeping. I've gotten some new music of mine up, and I'm going to be soliciting newer stuff from my contributors, but I still have stuff that I haven't gotten around to posting yet; for that I am truly sorry. Now, you'll have to excuse me while I try, at least, to get something done around here. Ciao!

5/11/98--Hello again! I've finally managed to download a decent FTP client, so now I can work on my site offline and just upload files directly instead of dealing with the Geocities editors all the time. They're great, don't get me wrong, but when your site is approx. 75 pages and 100+ files, it gets a little slow :( However, I think I'll finally be able to do regular updates(weekly at least, I hope), and finish all those projects I mentioned before. In addition, I did some renovating; the site history now has its own page, and I've added the software downloads page as well. I've also begun experimenting with style sheets in certain areas of the site.

3/28/98--Due to a sudden increase in my level of HTML activity in the form of commissions to create and maintain two more web sites, St. John's Online and a couple of other jobs which aren't concrete yet, I have been and probably will for a while be unable to do any significant amount of work on this site. I'm getting backlogged with contributors' works that I've not had time to post, but I promise I'll get around to it. I won't leave my <sarcasm>adoring public</sarcasm> stranded, so keep on sending your stuff in, folks!

Version 1.1

2/27/98--I've finally gotten an acknowledgements page made, and I'm planning on indexing the soon-to-be much larger links page to simplify looking for what you want. In addition, I'm thinking about making a downloads page with shortcut links to some software I'm particularly fond of. That'll have to wait, however, until I get some major housekeeping tasks done around here. I've long since lost track of the number of links in here, but the number will be growing. I'll keep you posted.

2/12/98--Nearly two months in coming, the new Collection is finished and the initial incarnation of Aphistis' Realm is completed! With actual page design no longer monopolizing my time, I'm free to begin looking for contributors in earnest, and also start working on getting some publicity for the site. I apologize for the current excess of banners strewn about, but for the time being, they're necessary to generate some traffic through here. I'm hoping they'll disappear with time, but for now at least, they're a necessary evil.

Version 1.0

1/22/98--Today, in a decision aided by a seemingly random surge of ambition, I've decided to completely overhaul The Collection. Since this will probably cause some temporary problems within the site(downloads especially), I hope you all, contributors and visitors alike, will bear with me while I draw up the new one. Sorry for the inconvenience!

12/30/97--Aphistis' Realm is christened! Seeing as how this is my first shot at HTML design, I hope you'll be willing to bear with me for a while until I can really get this place off the ground. It may not be impressive now(or even ever, but judgment on that will have to wait), but stop back every once in a while to see what's going on; I just might surprise you occasionally.

<= Go Back == "Enigma of the Ages", by Jeffrey Goodspeed