Hi! Welcome to my Mother's Day Page.

I have no idea who the author or the what title of this poem is. When I was in Mrs. Florence Allen's 2nd grade class, Mrs. Allen suggested we give it to our mothers. A few years later, I recalled this poem, and repeated it to my pastor. He asked me to read it on Mother's Day infront of the entire congration.

If anyone knows who wrote this poem, as well as it's title, I'd appreciated you E-Mailing me with the information.

For Mother

The world is full of mother's
Mother's kind and true
But there is not another
who could take the place of you

Here is my own poem for Mother's everywhere

For Mother

A mother is an interesting
Full of love
full of nurture
full of hugs
and full of kisses.
A mother is a listener;
listens to sadness
listens to glories
listens to madness
listens to stories.

Questions? Comments?Press mailbox to email me

Send mom some flowers.
If she has an E-Mail address, send her some virtual flowers.
For real or virtual flowers go to: Virtual Florist

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