Click the play button to hear the song.


Hi! Welcome to my Christmas Page. Christmas happens to be my favorite holiday. I hope you enjoy this site.

I am not a believer in santa clause, so this page does not contain much concerning him. The santa items I do have are awards I've received or web rings I belong to.

All of the poems on this site are my creations. I will change the poem every year, either in November or the first part of December.

So please come back and see my changes. If you have a midi song you'd like to hear, let me know about it.

Or if you have any other suggestions, feel free to let me know.

The above graphic contains a Java Applet.
The site I got this from is no longer in existence it was

Comments? Questions? Press Christmas tree to email me


A Precious Birth

In a lowly stable
a precious birth took place.
The cattle they were stirring
the stars were shining bright.
The shepherds came to see him
The Kings three gifts they brought.
The precious babe our Savior
Jesus Christ our Lord
our King.


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May you keep the Joy of Christmas in your
Heart all through the year.

Check out this page for an interesting letter from Jesus.

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