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The Fragmentum Alchemicum Florentinum
(Fr. Ricc. 1.1912)

In the year 1912, in Florence (Italy), a scholar inspecting some byzantine manuscripts in the Biblioteca Riccardiana found a small bombycine (paper) fragment, written in Greek, hidden between the leaves of an alchemical work. This fragment obtained a latin name, Fragmentum Alchemicum Florentinum. One local newspaper, curiously enough, reported this find ("La Nazione" of 12/5/1912).
The FAF was very small, and there were few words completely intelligible, so it was quickly forgotten. In the year 1965 it was photographed for the first (and last) time. The year after, the fragment disappeared during the flood that hit Florence. It's not sure if it went destroyed or was smuggled (with other� manuscripts and artworks) abroad.

This is the pic:

�click here for a bigger image


And this is the NEW transcription of the fragment, followed by its English translation (thank you Sysse and George for your precious help):


Note: R LIEE is a mere phonetic transcription of the Greek letters (following byzantine pronunciation) which do not make sense.

I'm researching a brief paper on the FAF, trying to find out what is its source. I've already checked with the TLG, but with no result. I think it's not an alchemical work strictu sensu; it resembles prophetical books like the Revelations of Pseudo-Methodius. This is a short bibliography about FAF (some persons asked for it):

Sorbelli, A. - Gli inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d'Italia (1890-1941), in "La Bibliofilia", XLII (1941), p. 81b [a leaflet bearing addenda and corrigenda] [talks about the correct catalogue form for book fragments, and quotes "Fr. Ricc. 1.1912 a.k.a. FAF"]

Elsheikh, Mahmoud Salem - Medicina e farmacologia nei manoscritti della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze. Roma : Vecchiarelli, 2nd edition 1992, xxxvi, 187 p. ; 24 cm� [this book discusses the subject of medicine and pharmacology in medieval mss. of Biblioteca Riccardiana; in a short appendix -pp. 186/7- it's hypothesized that the FAF could be the translation of a medieval arabic medical recipe-book, and that the nonsense R LIEE could be the transliteration of the name of some plant or spice. I got my pic of FAF from a photo in this book].

I'd be extremely grateful if someone could help me in my task, suggesting me possible sources. Please write an e-mail to me or sign the guestbook. Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Thanks in advance,
Laura Bertini

Last updated: 1/20/2000