1. What's the most commonly used letter of the alphabet? 2. How do you say "not organized" in one word? 3. End this common phrase: "See you later,..." 4. What sequence of letters has the most varied pronunciations? 5. What book has been translated into the most languages? 6. What's another word that sounds the same as "road" and "rode"? 7. How can you write the phrase "grade A" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? 8. What letter is silent in the word "talk"? 9. End this common phrase: "Happy New..." 10. How do you spell "14th"?
11. How many prongs are there on a dinner fork? 12. Who starts first in chess? 13. How many events are there in the decathlon? 14. What activity other than jumping are kangaroos good at? 15. End this common phrase: "Elephants have a very long..." 16. What do you call your grandmother's sister? 17. Who plays the music at a disco? 18. What colour is a crab’s blood? 19. What does ET stand for? 20. What letter is silent in the word "people"?
21. What do you call a person that takes care of animals at the zoo? 22. What's the most frequent final letter of words? 23. How many syllables does the word "scraunched" have? 24. What's the longest word in the English language? 25. What word can be a verb, noun, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection and a verbal auxiliary? 26. End this common idiom: "To be green with... 27. Who did John Lennon marry? 28. Name three of the beatles 29. Which 2 actors were in "Gone with the wind"? 30. Who wrote the song "Johnny be good"?
31. What letter is silent in the word "autumn"? 32. End this common idiom: "Too many cooks spoil the... 33. What letter is silent in the word "handsome"? 34. Start this common idiom: "...and his money are soon parted." 35. How can you write the phrase "tulips" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? 36. What letter is silent in the word "hourglass"? 37. Who climbs mountains? 38. What does EC stand for? 39. What's the opposite of "deep"? 40. How do you say "not honest" in one word?
41. What was the previous name of Thailand? 42. Start this common idiom: "...has a silver lining." 43. What does UFO stand for? 44. End this common idiom: "As fit as... 45. What do you call your wife's brother? 46. Start this common idiom: "...shouldn't throw stones." 47. What do you call your sister's son? 48. What temperature does water boil at? 49. Who discovered penicillin? 50. What did Joseph Priesley discover in 1774?
51. Where is the smallest bone in the body? 52. Which is the only mammal that can't jump? 53. End this common idiom: "To put your foot in your... 54. What's another word for "fix"? 55. The word "funny" means both "amusing" and... 56. What are the things that wipe the rain off the front window of a car? 57. What do you call a person who farms bees? 58. End this common idiom: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words... 59. Who sang "My Way"? 60. Who was the main actor in "Cocktail"?
61. Who was the main actor in "Superman 2"? 62. Who did Madonna marry? 63. Who checks and balances the financial books? 64. Start this common idiom: "...do as the Romans do." 65. What does UN stand for? 66. Who mixes cocktails? 67. Start this common idiom: "...is worth two in the bush." 68. What does NAFTA stand for? 69. What's the opposite of "wide"? 70. How much is a billion?
71. What are the things you tie on your shoes? 72. How do you say "not happy" in one word? 73. What is the outside of an egg called? 74. What is an electric machine for cleaning carpets called? 75. How many ways can you say the number "0"? 76. What's the short form of "until"? 77. How do you say "not suitable" in one word? 78. What does the abbreviation "misc." stand for? 79. What do you call the player that guards the goal in soccer? 80. What word means "correct" as well as "the opposite of left"?
81. What nationality was Chopin? 82. What's the best known artificial international language? 83. Who lived at 221B, Baker Street, London? 84. Who cut Van Gogh's ear? 85. What letter is silent in the word "comb"? 86. How can you write the phrase "I scream" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? 87. What's the most common pair of letters in words? 88. How do you say "not employed" in one word? 89. Who has a red nose and makes children laugh at a circus? 90. Where did Salvador Dali live?
91. Which is the smallest ocean? 92. How many wives did Henry the Eighth have? 93. When did the first man go into space? 94. Who was the first man in space? 95. What is the full term for e-mail? 96. Where did the first atomic bomb used in war explode? 97. Who said, "Vini, vidi, vici"? 98. What's the opposite of being innocent? 99. Who painted the Mona Lisa? 100. Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
101. Name a famous detective who smoked a pipe and played the violin. 102. Where was Marco Polo's home town? 103. What does the boxing term KO stand for? 104. How many children has Queen Elizabeth II got? 105. What is the capital of Australia? 106. What's the largest city in India? 107. How many people went onto Noah's Ark? 108. What was the name of Don Quijote's horse? 109. Who was Robin Hood's girlfriend? 110. Who wrote the James Bond books?
111. What can be worn on your face, mean "make peace", "create" and "character"? 112. Who said, "I think, therefore I am"? 113. How can you write the phrase "iced ink" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? 114. End this common idiom: "As busy as... 115. What is the pole that holds up a flag called? 116. How do you say "not qualified" in one word? 117. Who holds the microphone during a ceremony? 118. How do you say "not fair" in one word? 119. How can you write the phrase "that stuff" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? 120. What letter is silent in the word "business"?
121. Who wrote "The Ugly Duckling"? 122. What country gave Florida to the USA in 1891? 123. Who gave his name to the month of July? 124. What did the Montgolfier brothers invent? 125. Who were the first Europeans to visit Canada? 126. Where was El Greco born? 127. What's the Hungarian word for pepper? 128. End this common idiom: "All that glitters is not... 129. What's the most important book in the Moslem religion? 130. What is the Canadian national anthem?
131. Who sang, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas"? 132. Name the two main actors in "The Sting". 133. What year did Elvis Presley die? 134. What film star who was in "9 weeks" is now a boxer? 135. Who were the two main actors in "Pretty Woman"? 136. Name two actors who played James Bond. 138. How can you write the phrase "a nice man" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? 139. What letter of the alphabet is the most common first letter of words? 140. End this common saying: "What goes up must come...
141. What is the yellow part of an egg called? 142. Who was the director of the film "Psycho"? 143. In which city is Hollywood? 144. What was the first film with sound? 145. How many oscars did Alfred Hitchcock win? 146. Where are the Dolomites? 147. What's the capital of Kenya? 148. Which is the largest ocean? 149. What's the capital of Honduras? 150. Which are the Canadian provinces called "The Maritimes"?
151. What's the capital of Ethiopia? 152. What Spanish artist said he would eat his wife when she died? 153. Who wrote Julius Caesar, Macbeth and Hamlet? 154. What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan? 155. What are the first three words of the bible? 156. What did the 7 dwarves in Snow White do for a job? 157. What's the capital of Ecuador? 158. In which Canadian province is Niagara Falls located? 159. What's the smallest country in the world? 160. What mountain range spans from Alaska to California?
161. What's the capital of Denmark? 162. Which Canadian provinces are called "The Prairies"? 163. What's the capital of Brazil? 164. Which river goes through London? 165. What is Canada's third largest city? 166. What's the highest mountain in Africa? 167. Which Canadian mountain resort is named after a bird? 168. What's the provincial capital of British Columbia? 169. What's the capital of Finland? 170. Which city has the second-largest Chinatown in North America?
171. Which German city is famous for the perfume it produces? 172. What's the capital of Monaco? 173. Which is Britain's second largest city? 174. What's the capital of Canada? 175. What colour is a panda bear? 176. How many words are there in the English language? 177. Who invented television? 178. Who said E=mc2 179. What is 15 metres high, 8 metres wide and 240 kilometers long? 180. What's the highest mountain in the world?
181. What's the capital of Scotland? 182. Which country has the largest area: Australia, Brazil or India? 183. What is Canada's largest city? 184. Which mountains are between Spain and France? 185. Who did Lady Diana Spencer marry? 186. Who did Prince Rainier of Monaco marry? 187. What year did Canada become a country? 188. When did the First World War start? 189. When did the Second World War end? 190. Can Queen Elizabeth II vote?
191. Who was the first President of the USA? 192. How many fingers did Ann Boleyn have? 193. Did Neil Armstrong put his left or his right foot on the moon first? 194. In what decade was the last execution at the Tower of London? 195. When did the Americans leave Vietnam? 196. Who was the first man on the moon? 197. What's the real name of the Buddha? 198. What's the name of the famous big clock in London? 199. Where was Christopher Columbus born? 200. When did the American Civil War end?
201. When was President Kennedy killed? 202. What nationality was Marco Polo? 203. What do you use to take a cork out of a bottle? 204. What language has the most words? 205. How much is a baker's dozen? 206. What currency do they use in Japan? 207. Where does the American president live? 208. What is the first letter on a typewriter? 209. What do the opposite sides of a dice add up to? 210. Which fast food restaurants were established by Ray Kroc?
211. How long is a round in boxing? 212. Who is the Prime Minister of Canada? 213. What's the highest score in a gymnastics exercise? 214. What time do the pubs normally close in England? 215. How many months have 31 days? 216. How many eyes are there on a pack of 52 cards? 217. How many vowels are there in the English language? 218. What are Canada's official languages? 219. What's the fastest passenger plane in the world? 220. What are the Sun, the Independent and the Guardian?
221. How many coloured balls are there in billiards? 222. What's the longest word in Spanish? 223. How many players are there in a basketball team? 224. Which language is spoken by most people in the world? 225. How many lanes does an Olympic swimming pool have? 226. In what language does "obrigado" mean "thank you"? 227. How many squares are there on a chess board? 228. What do you call the sport that involves mountains and bicycles? 229. How many players are there in a volleyball team? 230. What are the five colours of the Olympic rings?
231. Where are the most expensive seats at a bullfight? 232. Who named a perfume for her fashion shows on the 5th day of the month? 233. How many dots are there on two dice? 234. What horoscope sign has a crab? 235. In which shop can you buy books? 236. Where does the British Prime Minister live? 237. How long is compulsory military service in Canada? 238. What does the female praying mantis do after she's made love? 239. How many colours are there in a rainbow? 240. How many legs has a spider got?
241. What are the three primary colours? 242. What type of elephant has got the biggest ears? 243. Who invented the electric light bulb? 244. Who invented the telephone? 245. Which nail grows fastest? 246. What does the roman numeral C represent? 247. Which planet is nearest the sun? 248. What colours make purple? 249. What's the hardest rock? 250. How much does a litre of water weigh?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. | What's the most commonly used letter of the alphabet? (e) How do you say "not organized" in one word? (disorganized) End this common phrase: "See you later,..." (alligator) What sequence of letters has the most varied pronunciations? (-ough, 28 different sounds) What book has been translated into the most languages? (Bible) What's another word that sounds the same as "road" and "rode"? (rowed) How can you write the phrase "grade A" so that it has a different meaning but sounds the same? (gray day) What letter is silent in the word "talk"? (l) End this common phrase: "Happy New..." (Year) 10. How do you spell "14th"? (fourteenth) |