September 10, 2002
College. Big whoop. Anyways, I'm sorta busy, but I'm really really wanting to get a new website. A new location, a new layout, a new everything because this place is so boring I want to barf. Whoever still reads this site... besides me... give me some ideas of good webhosts and web designing programs through my guestbook. Please? Random updates will be made in the philosophy and journal pages.
May 26, 2002
Congrats to me on graduation! I'm so exasperated. Can't you tell. It's such a weird feeling... Well, there are links to pictures on the main page, and the journal has been added to. Need.... new.... site....
December 26, 2001
Ahh crap, I just noticed all my images are gone... I guess that Freeicon site I used ever since I made a website is finally dead. *Sigh* time to find another source...
November 1, 2001
Some random entries to my philosophy page. Random additions will be made on this page as well.
October 13, 2001
Farewell, Terence McArdle.
October 8, 2001
Some entries to the journal. Probably will randomly add to it randomly throughout the year too. And the Prom 2001 site is gonna be taken down. Geocities complained about my transfer rate being too high. Fun. If you still want any of those pics just ask me. Other than that, I'm still the same lazy slacker I've always been. Which means, nothing else has been changed.
August 17, 2001
It's been added to! It's been added to! During the school year too! It's even something new! And something that will never be added to again probably =) Uh essentially added a new site off Musings that acts as my journal. Access it here.
July 16, 2001
Wee had to go around changing my email address... small fixes onto each page. geez I'm not really putting much effort into this =) Still cleaning out my REAL room too... ah well, guess you'll just have to wait.
July 11, 2001
Added to bookshelf a graphic novels section. Some image changes and little fixing here and there. Yaay, whoopeedoo...
July 3, 2001
New pics added to friends area. A few new books added for the Bookshelf. Uhh that's about it. Whoopeedoo. And still running low on space =(
June 26, 2001
A little remodeling of the Bookshelf area. New sections with more selection under them now, one for sci-fi/fantasy and one for humor. A few other minor updates around the place. More pics coming soon, though they might shrink in size cuz I'm running low on space =(
June 17, 2001
Yay! Finally up after redoing a lot of the site. Everything's kinda bare right now, but it'll get better with time and assuming I don't get lazy again. I suppose this means I'll have to actually maintain this site instead of just leaving it to rot... oh well, I'll just leave it to rot eventually. What a sad fate for such a sad site... Wow I'm so encouraging about my site...