Welcome to Eeadeamaria's Room

1. Remain calm and stay seated.
2. Please excuse my loaf of bread.
3. Hack 'em with a hockey stick!
4. Never name a kid Magellan.
5. Stop reading these rules.
6. No seriously, stop reading them.
7. Furikuri? Kurikuri? Furikiri? Furikura? FLCL!
8. You may not eat your toes.
9. Let's all go to Lalaland!
10. This site promotes laziness. You have been warned.

This site needs to be updated. In fact, it might completely move to another location. That's also depending on whether or not I'm willing to update this website... Oh well!

HEY! Graduation! Look at some pictures!
Funyun's (me) Collection
Amplified (Mike/Dave) Collection

Now that that's settled, pick your target:

About myself


Links elsewhere



My musings



That's it for now. Obviously this is still under construction... but oooh well!

Oh yeah, and what's with the bow and arrow and targets stuff? I don't know. I just wanted to redo my site and the first thing that came up was putting targets for my links. I'm not an archer, nor am I obsessed with archery. It was just one of those random creative sessions that you have every so once and a while and just keep it cuz there's not much else you want to change it to. So, uh, yeah that's it.

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Since June 17, 2001

Email the webmaster: funyun@austin.rr.com

I think linkexchange died...
LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

A lot of icons used on this site from

This may have died too... I really need a new website =(