"What keeps him so interested, wondered Guinn, "besides her playboy bunny figure, blonde hair and big smile."
Maybe they'd go to a movie later. Judy would insist that Guinn tag along.
"We are just friends, Keif," Judy insists, "so my best friend should come too."
He was so goo-goo eyed he'd have taken the college choir to get a date with her.
Keifer is limited to the more mundane happenings and little personal problems that can be so frustrating to those of an active, dynamic nature. He gets bogged down in details and he thinks he has to solve every problem that comes his way. If Judith tells him, "I don't have any money," Keif runs down to the bank and withdraws twenty bucks and gives it to her. She doesn't even have to ask him.
Guinn noticed that trait in Keif right off. So she made sure not to mention any of her needs to him. Guinn is independent and doesn't like the idea of a man running her life. Although, she pictures herself married and she dreams of a knight in shining armor riding a white horse swooping down and saving her from her mundane life.
Guinivere has a pleasant, easy-going, friendly nature. People are important to her.
She's a natural born teacher and she has patience to go into details that someone else may not think is important.
Guinn desires system and order in her environment. For example, she has a drawer for each magazine subscription, each stack is in chronolgocial order and her music collection is categoriezed by style and then by artist.
In spite of her desire for order, Guinn is a terrible procrastinator. She usually waits until the very last minute to write a term paper that was assigned at the beginning of the semester. The adrenlin rush inspires her to great heights of creativity.
Guinn has great ambitions. She wants to be a writer, a scientist, a doctor, a missionary, another (what's the name of that guy who went to Africa...?) However, she cannot focus on one goal long enough to make any headway toward it.
She's young, though, seventeen. She has plenty of time to make up her mind about her future.
She's smart too, very intelligent. She has what it takes to be whatever it is she wants to be.
She's a redhead, though, and she has the temper that goes with it. Her Irish-German ancestry gives her a lot of spark and vinegar. She has a dark side, though, which others rarely see. Just her best friend, Judith.
Judith easily becomes side-tracked and would rather socialize when she should be working. She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. She met Guinn when she was a freshman in college and Guinn was a sophmore in high school. Even with the age difference, the two hit it off immediately. They are soul sisters. They can sit up all night and talk and never run out of things to say. In spite of Judy's greater age, she's quite uninformed about sex even though she grew up on a dairy farm and saw cows being born. She just didn't really know *how* the baby cow got in there in the first place.
Guinn, on the other hand, knew about everything. Not that she had a mentor or a loving family that would inform and guide her to adulthood. No, she learned from books.
Guinn and Judy fit together like bread and butter. Judy is impulsive. Guinn plans methodically. Judy is a spendthrift. "There'll be more where that came from." Guinn saves every penny. She even goes without food to make sure she has money tucked away for a rainy day, as her Grandma used to put it.
Guinn gets very angry when she plans something carefully and then someone throws a monkeywrench into it. She does not like her plans or routines interfered with.
Judy's ambitions are not large because she lacks confidence in her own abilities and would sooner not take a chance. She is often at odds with herrself, knowing what she should do, but finding it hard to find the initiative and will power to do it.
When she should seek the advice of others when making a decision, Guinn prefers to figure it out for herself. Like I said, she's very independent. She was riding the city bus when she was in the first grade. Her parents praised her, "You've got a head on your shoulders." Guinn interpreted that to mean that "I'm on my own. I have to figure everything out myself."
One thing that Guinn and Judy had in common, the would rather work for others than carry the full responsibility. They are both artistic and like to draw pastel sketches. Guinn and Judy worked together at an all-night truck stop.
Judy had been on her own since she graduated from high school. When Guinn graduated, she decided to go to college. Judy had dropped out by then, but decided since Guinn was going, she'd go too.
That's how they ended up roommates. Judy never finished her freshman year. She was too busy partying to do the work and she flunked out. Not that Judy wasn't smart. She was very smart. She was smart enough to know, "Why should I work when guys will take care of everything for me while I play?"
By now you may have gotten the impression that Judy was promiscuous. Not so. She was just the opposite. However, she had a body the Hugh Hefner would drool over. She's 5 feet 2 inches tall, blonde hair, tan flawless skin, bright blue eyes, sparkling white teeth, and boobs to die for. She usually wore a bra that was a bit too small and there was always plenty of overflow no matter what she wore.
Instintictively she knew that guys like that. She was a tease, that's for sure. Judy would park with a guy, passionately kiss him, and then coyly coax him to take her home. As soon as the guy got serious, she dumped him.
That's where she is now with Keifer. He's drooling all over her, begs her to marry him, and follows her around like a pupply. He graduated last year and is making big bucks as an electrical engineer. He's a beginner but the starting wage is way more than the minimum wage Judy and Guinn earn at the truck stop.