{short description of image} Links {short description of image}

* More Group Sites
* Draum Broedr - Leicester
* Fafnir's Bane - Bournemouth & Southampton
* Gesithas -Hertfordshire
* Mathrafal - Rochdale
* Lothene - Edinburgh
* Ousekjarr - Cambridge
* Midherr - Kansas and Missouri (Norsa) Nebraska and Iowa (Vardhald)
* Jormungandr - Lincolnshire
* Manaraefan - Hampshire/Wiltshire
* De Wierde Wironii- Netherlands
*Sudhere- Louisiana, Mississippi, S. Arkansas, USA
*Temesvik- Middlesex/London
*Torvik- Toronto, Canada
* Ydalir- North Manchester
* Viking Related Links
* The Vikings - Main Site
* The Bifrost Project - a collection of viking and research links
* Viking Network - Norwegian site with some background information
* World of the Vikings - The Jorvik CD-ROM
* Viking Navy
* Swedish History
* Viking Garment Construction
* Anglo-Saxon
* Anglo-Saxon Archaeology
* General Medieval & Other Useful Sites
* Medieval documents, including the full Anglo Saxon Chronicles.
* Peoples of the Dark Ages
* Medieval Food
* More Medieval and Anglo Saxon Recipes.
* Medieval Shoes.
* Historical Games for Windows
* Ancient Cultures Page
* Seige Engines
* General Re-enactment
* Register of Re-enactment Societies
* REENACTOR NET - Mostly US societies
* UK historical re-enactment
* Britannia - Celts and Romans
* Mogh Roith - Irish Re-enactors
* The English Civil War Society
* The Sealed Knot
* Register of Australasian Re-enactment societies
* Regia Anglorum
* An SCA miscellany
* Preachan Fuilteach
* Newsgroups of Interest
* soc.history.living
* soc.history.medieval
* soc.history
* rec.org.sca
* rec.food.historic.
* Mailing Lists
* There's a tablet weaving mailing list at majordomo@bolis.com:
To subscribe send the following in the body of mail to majordomo@bolis.com
  • subscribe tabletweaving
  • subscribe tabletweaving-digest
* The historical re-enactment mailing list at listserver@novarltd.demon.co.uk:
To subscribe send the following as the body of mail to listserver@novarltd.demon.co.uk
  • subscribe histrenact firstname surname
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This document maintained by Grimma Eiriksdottir.
Material Copyright © 1997 Grimma Eiriksdottir
Last updated:May 9th, 1998