Fireside Cafe

Mad Scientist at work!
Here is a list of things I have on here:
1.Cute tourguide. *hee..hee...hee.. 2.I post the stuff you send in. 3.Added extras of my own. *As you enter the spaceship Fireside, you glance around the small living quarters. Sitting in a large, overstuffed chair next to a holographic fire is a young woman with long, braided blue and black hair. She is wearing a long white dress with gloves and knee-high boots.* Ello there. What a ye doing ova there, come sit by the fire. Sorry it's nae real, but it's the best ah can do. Welcome to mah ship, lovely isn't it.*frowns* Oh well, anyway, I'm Minuriel. Would ye be a lov an send me ye're writins' so I have somethin' te do here, it's awfly borin'. *Alarm goes off in another part of the ship.* Drats! If ye excuse me, ah have te see te that. Feel free to look around, but there's neae much here, yet... *Her voice fades away slowly as she walks down the hallway, the train of her dress swirling behind her. She rounds the corner and is gone.*

Here is a listing of the places you can go so far: One of our many guestrooms.AKA:Wall of pictures

Anime Pictures

Email me at send in your stories, poems, pictures, anything and I'll post them on here.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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