Realm of the Eudaemon
Hi everyone! Okay now, for newcomers - surf on and explore. For those who have been here before, you may have realized a few changes. Basically I have revamped this main page and cut out most of the crap. Also, Field Signals is now defunct. The archive is still there though. Full details in the pop-up update window. If it doesn't pop-up in your browser, then that's just too bad...
Due to the large amount of Big5 running around in this website, it is highly recommended that you download some viewer like NJWIN. Even if you can't read Chinese characters, you should get it too. Saves the eyesore of seeing all that garbage... Oh yes, try to autohide your taskbar too. That way, you can see more of the screen, and not to mention my email down there on the contents bar...
Do check out my JC civics group homepage too!
My CMU Homepage is now available for viewing at the site below. All my recent CMU stuff are hosted there, including lots of photos, current status, academic pursuits and other cool stuff!
This homepage is best viewed with your eyes,
in broad daylight, under sufficient lighting,
seated on a swivel chair, with a backrest,
while sipping on a banana milkshake and munching on chips.
Please email all comments and hate-mails to
This home has been constructed by the Eudaemon. Copyright © 1998-2003. Some of the materials on this site were invariantly stunned from other places. I would really like to acknowledge all such sources, and give credit when due, but my memory is failing me. If you happen to be the owner and really feel strongly about it, just email me and I will remove them immediately.
By the way, do feel free to copy any original source code, graphics or animations from my site for your personal use. For commercial uses, please email me beforehand because like I said, I don't own all the stuff here. If you are really honest, do attach a small acknowledgement to me. And if you are really really honest, do send me a small percentage of the profits so that I will still believe in putting up such silly notices.
But don't worry, I won't sue you.
Last updated : 24 Jul 2003