Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky (1896-1934)
Lev Vygotskij was born in 1896 in Orcha, Belorussia, and educated in
Moscow, where he graduated from law school in 1917. But alongside with
these studies he he also studied literature, philosopohy and psychology,
and in 1925 he submitted his Ph.D. thesis Psichologiya iskusstva (The
Psychology of Art) at the Mosccow Institute of Psychology. This book, however,
was not published until 1965. The only book, that was published during
his lifetime, was Pedagogicheskaya psichologiya (Educational Psychology),
1926, which was the result of lectures he held at the Pedagogical Institute
in Gomel, Belorussia. He also got a position as a researcher at the Institute
of Psycholgy at Moscow University. He also founded an institute for disabled
children.In 1931-32 he planned to go to Central Asia (Uzbekistan) to develop
education among the peasants, many of whom were illiterate, but due to
his illness this could not be realised. His lectures in Petersburg in 1933
on the importance of children´s play and his theory of "zona blizhajshej
razvitiya" (the nearest zone of development) attracted great interest.
His last work, Myshlenie i
rech´ (Language and Thought), was dictated from his death-bed
and published shortly after his death in 1934. That very year Vygotskij
died of tuberculosis, only 37 years old.
In 1936 Vygotsky´s pedology
was declared "lzhenauka" (false science) and his
works were banned for about 30 years. A collection of his works (Sobranie
sochinenij) was printed in an edition of 6 volumes in Moscow 1982-84,
but Pedagogcheskaya psichologiya was not included here. It was edited
and published by Valerij Davydov in 1991 and in a new edition with yet
more texts in 1996.
During the latest two decades
Vygotsky´s works have aroused a great interest
For Gunilla Lindqvist´s
book Vygotskij och skolan (Vygotsky and School, Studentlitteratur,
Lund, 1999) I have translated the following chapters from Pedagogicheskaya
Psikhologiya ("Educational Psychology"):
"Biologicheskij i social´nyj
faktory vospitaniya" (Biological and educational factors in Education),
"Instinkty kak predmet, mekhanizm i sredstvo vospitaniya"(The instincts
as the subject, mechanism, and means of education), "Zakreplenie i vosproizvedenie
reakcij" (Reinforcement and recollection of reactions), "Myshlenie
kak osobo slozhnaja forma povedeniya" (Thinking as an especially complex
form of behavior), "Esteticheskoe vospitanie" (Esthetic education), "Psichologicheskoe
osveshchenie trudovogo vospitaniya" (Psychological understanding of occupational
education), "Psichologiya i uchitel´" (Psychology and the teacher),
and "Problema obucheniya i umstvennogo razvitiya v shkol´nom vozraste"
(Problems in education and the intellectual development in children at
compulsory school age).
The chapter mentioned last
was written in 1933/34 and was included among texts, that were published
in 1935 by his colleagues. It is now included in the edition of Pedagogicheskaya
Psikhologiya, that has been edited by Vasilij Davydov, Moscow, 1996.