107th anniversary of Konstantin Paustovsky´s birth

Professor Ilya Komarov, director at the Paustovsky Museum in Moscow, invited me to take part in an excursion to Tarusa  May 30th -  June 1st, 1999. On May 31st there was a memorial ceremony at Paustovsky´s grave.

Paustovsky´s house

This is Konstantin Paustovsky´s house in Tarusa.
Paustovsky´s daughter in front of a portrait of Konstantin Paustovsky at his writing-table overlooking the garden and the river.
Paustovsky´s son Vadim took an active part in the celebrations and told many interesting things about Konstantin Paustovsky and his work.

Ilinsky omut

"One of these unknown but magnificent places in our landscape is situated 10 kilometers from the log-house, where I spend every summer".
"Through the loveliness and splendor of simple meadow flowers this place evokes a state of profound peace of mind /---/ but it was not these herbs and flowers nor the thick elms or the wind in the willows that gave the major delight in these places.
It was the majestic wide spaces, which opened in front of your eyes".
"And every space – I counted to six of them – had its own range of colors, its own light and air, as the artists say.
It was as if a sorcerer had gathered all the beauty of Midrussia here and unfolded it into a wide panorama, which was slightly trembling in the warm air".
(From: Konstantin Paustovsky: Ilinsky omut, 1964.)