Russian Language Learning, Paustovsky and Nature

Lennart reading his paper at the linguodidactic conference in Krakow, Poland, on April 23, 1996.

On the 9th MAPRYAL Congress in Bratislava 16-21 August, 1999, I told about the strategies of a good learner of Russian (Ob uspeshnom izuchenii russkogo jazyka).

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"That every thought of a movement induces that very movement is an instructive truth that has long been established in psychology. /---/ This is why the worst of all pedagogical techniques is to insistently and earnestly introduce into the mind of the student an awareness of those deeds he must not do. Telling him, īdonīt do thatī, is already an incitement to carrying out this deed, simply by virtue of the fact that it introduces into the studentīs mind the thought of this deed, and, consequently, the inclination to carry it out."

(The Russian reformist educationalist Vygotsky)

Some information about myself

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