Since it would appear that I'm one who always has my head in the clouds and my hands out in front of me, feeling my way around as I try to navigate my way through life, I've decided that the only way to truly express who I am is to put it down on cyber-paper.
Come along with me as I make sometimes successful, and sometimes futile, efforts to express the person that I am... my feelings... my philosophies... and much, much more.
Keeping in mind that that we are all oppressed by a common enemy, that being time, we must neither fear nor hesitate when this variable in the equation of life tries to overtake us for we are all capable of creating our own time to counter the continuous bombardment of singular seconds seemingly bunched together to create minutes, hours, days, and so on.
Know that I'm making my own time by taking time to do this. I claim these linear moments as my own, thus disarming our common foe.
Amidst the pages of this little cyber-book, there are chapters with writings and links for everyone from the well adjusted individual who seeks knowledge and truth to the desperate soul who travels in great packs of one. There's a little bit of everything in here for everyone. I can't please every single entity that passes through; I'm not trying to. BUT... in the spirit of good public relation, feel free to give a little feed back. Constructive critisism is always welcome.
Thank you, and enjoy your journey!