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Thanx Demon Bear for getting me the backround,the guestbook,the 1-2the3's palace picture,the geocube,and the counter. Without Demon Bear, none of this would have ever been possible.
John Dee's page is very very cool.
Hi I'm Bobby. My geocities name is 1-2-the3. I thought of it when I heard these girls sing this song on the bus a long time ago, and I was spending too much time thinking of a name, so 1-2-the3 became my name. I tried to make this a page about my favorite bands, but this page is now just about no specific subject.
- click on picture to view
- click on picture again to unview
- double click to go to website
Here are some pictures of me. I would like to thank Isabel Herrera for scanning the one of my freshman year. There was a wrinkle on that picture and I would like to thank Lauren Holt for getting rid of it with her photo shop thing
Here are my "romantic sayings" and "compliments". Some of them are nasty, cheap and stupid, so unless u don't like that kinda stuff don't go there.
Over Here is a picture of where I used to live in Panama
click to hear a wav file of my voice. even though I kinda broke it down a little it still is my voice. u gotta hear it to know what I'm talking about and in case ur wondering the size of it is like less than a megabyte. that means it's small enough to fit on a disk!
My proposed Los Angeles transit map
My Midis!!! all made by me!!
Check out my incredible road trip section.
people have visited this page since I first put it up
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