Take a Look at My Life

Hey! Thanks for stopping by to check out my page. It's a very simple page, but it's mine. Here you will find a little about my life, who my friends are, what I like and what I don't like. There is also a link to my sister's page, a page full of great downloads, and a special link that I thought was important to add on. Take your time to look around and come back again soon! There IS a page of pictures, and hopefully there will be more added to the current selection :-)

Sign the Guestbook on your way out!

This part is a little about me. I'm 20 and I live in the great town of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. What about my interests? Well there's this one interest I have in particular...his name is Robert :-) He's my knight in shining armor...only minus the armor and the white horse. We are married (March 6, 2004) and have 1 dog- Lady. Life is good. What else is there...? I love hanging out with my friends, (when I get to see them) especially at Ruby Tuesday's where the waiters are always very efficient (hehe). I even like going out with my folks (Yes, it is ok to be seen in public with your parents!), and living life with all of its challenges and promises. I love drama, music (all kinds especially country), reading (when it isn't leading up to a test) and writing (mostly poetry when I have time). Ummm....that's all for this paragraph I think.

There were several personal pictures of my friends and myself on this page and because it took so long to load I moved them to my Pics Page. Well, for some reason or another Yahoo!Geocities decided they did not like my Pics Page so they deleted it along with hundreds of pictures that will never be seen again. There are more here though! Click on the "Heart of Dixie" graphic at the bottom of the page!!! There is also a link to a page where I've posted some of my poetry, feel free to check that out.

MORE ABOUT ME: There are a zillion ways to get in touch with me if you want. Mainly, I have MSN and AIM. I also have Yahoo! Use my email address to reach me on MSN, jencarr04@hotmail.com, my SN on AIM is JenCarr04, and my username for Yahoo! IM is im_a_girl98.


Last but definitely not least, I just wanted to let everyone know that Jesus Christ is awesome! I would love to share with you what He has done for me and how He can change your life! I have grown up in the home of a minister (I was/am a Preacher's Kid). I chose the road most traveled and decided to take on a life of rebellion. Not only was I living in rebellion towards my parents and what I knew was right, but I was rebelling against God. I chose to fill my life with the pleasures of this world, as empty and meaningless as they are. When I was 15, I came to grips with the fact that I was not happy. I was flat out miserable. I knew what I needed to do but I felt like there was no way God would take me back. I am writing this to tell you that there is nowhere you can go that is too far from God. He will take you in His arms and love you forever even when you are not lovable. I wish I could say life was peaches and cream from that point on, but I have had my share of lemons. When I was 16, just a year later, I made a huge decision. I began dating a guy who was much older than I was. I really thought he was the one for me. Our relationship started out as innocent as they all do. After a while, things began progressing and we fell into the temptations that lie ahead of us all. I gave my heart to this guy. But to us, it was o.k., because we knew we were going to be together forever. Here I am, 20 and I have met the man I am going to marry, but it isn't the same one I gave my heart to those years ago. I have always dreamed of being able to tell my husband on my wedding day, I waited just for you. But because I was weak, I can't say that. I know God has forgiven me, and my future husband has done the same...and I know that it wasn't easy. God is so good. He loves you, and He wants to be your friend. All you have to do is ask. If you've made mistakes, don't worry about them. Just call on JESUS! He is all you need.

Below is a link to a site that I think is very important. Check it out and find out what True Love really is.

This is just a quick side note that is very important to me and I feel I need to share this with everyone out there who visits my page. There's this awesome program, you may have heard of it, True Love Waits. It's a Christ-based program that supports and encourages abstinence. By clicking on the link below, you can visit the True Love Waits homepage. The main reason I am mentioning this on my page is this: God loves you and God wants each and every human being on this earth to be happy. For some, that happiness is found in being single and for others in a love relationship with another human being of the opposite gender. In order for there to be true happiness in any relationship, God requires us to abstain from sexual activity of any sort until we have entered into a marriage relationship with that one man or woman God has provided for us to love and to cherish for our lifetime on earth.

For some out there that may read this, you may be saying "It's too late for me. I've alrady blown it." Well, praise God because guess what, He is a God of second chances. All you must do is ask Him to forgive you and make that commitment today to abstain from sexual activity until you have entered into a marriage relationship. Let me encourage every man, woman, boy, girl, and young person who reads this to check out the link above. Print out a Commitment Card, Sign it, and put it in your wallet or purse as a reminder that you have commited your sexuality to God and will abstain from sexual activity until you are married. This is such an awesome commitment to make. Check it out. Let me know what you think and what you decide. Use the guestbook on your way out and give me your thoughts and decision! Remember, Jesus Loves You and I do too!



Pics of Robert and Me


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