Thanks for Signing the Band's Guestbook!

10/13/00 14:37:41
Name: Kenneth Kittilsen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: none
Organization I Play in: none Occupation: engineer


10/03/00 23:20:47
Name: Joy Lounsbury My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Keyboard
Occupation: retired

I just wanted to up-date my email address just in case anyone want to contact me.

08/29/00 08:30:55
Name: Norbert Wendelin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Klarinette
Organization I Play in: Wendi´s Böhmische Blasmusik

Great web site. We wish you continued success on your musical way.Schöne Grüße aus dem Burgenland sendet

07/26/00 15:14:13
Name: Gordon Bennett My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Trombone
Organization I Play in: Honeoye Falls Community Concert Band, Honeoye Falls Community Big Band, Lehigh Station Bones Occupation: Software Engineer

Very nice web site. Sounds like you folks have a good group and a lot of fun!

07/03/00 04:59:31
Name: Miguel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Trombone
Organization I Play in: Dos Palos Community Band

Great webpage. This is a definate bookmark. Please visit my Community Band Webpage at /dpcommunityband this is a nice webpage. Keep it up.

02/18/00 14:32:30
Name: Ed Mickle
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice site. Also enjoy your concerts. Thank You

01/19/00 20:13:32
Name: Allan Conover
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


01/15/00 20:36:38
Name: Debbie Haaland My URL: Visit Me
Instrument I Play: tuba/st.bass Organization I Play in: C.A.C.B., U.H.L.B.

darn, we are great!

01/14/00 15:15:23
Name: Kathie Clark
My URL: Visit Me


01/12/00 23:18:57
Name: Cheryl Tobin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Tenor Saxaphone
Organization I Play in: Coxsackie Community Band Occupation: Restoration Artist

I have enjoyed playing music in this band under several directors over the years and have always had fun. The music we play is diversified enough to please eveyone, and the time we spend together with or without the benefit of an audience is very preciou to me.

01/11/00 13:49:09
Name: Mary Alice Newell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Sax, clarinet, flute
Organization I Play in: CA Band, Rosie Occupation: Instrumental Music Teacher

Great info and pictures! job well done! you guys are great! What an awesome Band!

01/11/00 13:42:15
Name: Janice Hesselink My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: HORN
Organization I Play in: C.A.C.B. Occupation: to be determined

Great to be a part of this fine group! JH

09/15/99 04:04:41
Name: William Weikert My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Conductor-Tuba
Organization I Play in: American Legion Band of the Tonawandas Occupation: Musician


08/22/99 11:21:18
Name: smiga My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: sax

early wind to sell to:

06/21/99 17:09:17
Name: Judee Synakowskj My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Credit Cards
Organization I Play in: Shopping Malls Occupation: Senior Computer Operator

Love hearing your band.

05/25/99 00:12:37
Name: Chickie Moore
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


02/06/99 17:00:46
Name: Kathy Kelly-George My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: voice
Organization I Play in: Atlant Symphony Orchestra Chorus/Atlanta Opera Occupation: H.S. Choral Teacher

I graduated from C-A in 1983 and always enjoyed the band, and concerts at the waterfront. Have been home for several summer events. Hi to my family Alice and Tony Gatt! Great to see a web site filled with musicians from home! We're suffering the loss of Robert Shaw here in Georgia, getting ready for a memorial concert in March. May be up at Carnegie Hall for another memorial if the dates and travel arrangements work out. You all should try to do a tour of t

01/13/99 01:17:33
Name: Mary Lynn (Jansen) Weinstein My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Occupation: Accounting

I was just navigating and found this web page by accident. It was good to see some familiar names, especially Mr. Sy Delucia; my mother, Daniele Jansen's former boss from many years ago. My late father, Warren used to play the trombone for the high scho l band as some of you may remember. We're living in Florida now.

01/13/99 01:10:05
Name: Mary Lynn (Jansen) Weinstein
My URL: Visit Me


12/07/98 18:19:14
Name: Anthony F DelVecchio
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


12/07/98 07:56:12
Name: Patti Stefura-Motheral My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Flute

It's so neat to see you guys on the web...I use to play w/you guys ever so briefly while attending C-A High...just wanted to say Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka from Hawaii Hi to Mr & Mrs. DeLucia

08/23/98 17:58:56
Name: Katie Kohl My URL: Visit Me
Instrument I Play: Viola/Piano Organization I Play in: School/Gemini/LISTFA/SCMEA
Occupation: high scool student

Music is definitly de bomb! Keep up the good work.

08/08/98 19:12:12
Name: Joy Lounsbury My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Elect.Keyboard
Organization I Play in: My own amusement Occupation: Homemaker

It's quite a surprise to find this page on the net.I am very familiar with a lot of the members of the band----the Delucia's, Larry White and of course David Clapper.I am living in Florida but visit up around Coxsackie often---as a matter of fact I plan o attending the Pig Roast in Sept at the Coxsackie Yacht Club. David you did a nice job with the page!!

08/05/98 13:27:06
Name: Michelle Reckeweg My URL: Visit Me
Instrument I Play: Clarinet, Alto Sax Organization I Play in: Southern Maryland Concert Band
Occupation: Instrumental Music Teacher

I enjoyed your web site. It's nice to see community bands in other areas. Please visit our web site as well.

07/29/98 18:55:57
Name: Richard Darling My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Occupation: Police Chief

As an alumnus of CA, and a former resident of Athens, I remember the community band well. It has added a lot to the communities of Coxsackie and Athens. Many of the members are very familiar to me. What happened to Roger Wood ( a former classmate of min ) on the trombone?

06/15/98 19:30:33
Name: Kathy Strevell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: flute
Organization I Play in: C-A Comm. Band & Ghent Band Occupation: R.N.

Ann and Dave, What a pleasant surprise to find this site! I can't wait to see the next group of pictures. Again, sorry that I have to miss the concert at the Coxsackie gazebo... I'm sure you'll sound great, as always. Thanks for welcoming me back this sp ing. I really enjoyed playing with the group and hope to be back in the fall. :^)

04/19/98 19:43:04
Name: Doug Fulford My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Public Relations
Organization I Play in: Clarington Concert Band

Wondering if you would be interested in an upcoming event of ours, August 1999.

03/30/98 00:03:56
Name: Ron Boerger My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: horn
Organization I Play in: Austin Symphonic Band Occupation: Computer Nerd

Nice site! Best wishes for continued success, and if any of youse guys makes it down to central Texas, bring your axe and come to a rehearsal. :-)

02/22/98 03:00:59
Name: R.G. Brooks My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Tbone
Organization I Play in: Richmond(VA)Concert Band

Good Job on this site. I like the tuba mail icon and the notes background. Hope you have much musical and other successes. I grew up in upstate N.Y., so I feel right at home here in (?) Coxsackie (?) Where in the world are you? {;-0 Come visit Richmond Virginia some time. R.G.B.

02/12/98 18:29:41
Name: Barbara Dalland My Email: Email Me
Instrument I Play: Flute, Oboe Organization I Play in: Coxsackie-Athens Community Band
Occupation: Student

Well, I came here, I saw it, and it is cool...although you should puts lots more pictures and stuff on here. But I really do like it! I'll be sure to look here for our concert schedule! (HA HA)

02/11/98 00:43:19
Name: Anna Fernald My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Clarinet
Organization I Play in: CGCC Wind Ensemble Occupation: Music Teacher

Hi, I finally got a chance to look at your page. It looks great. Hope more people get the chance to visit. - Anna

02/09/98 04:02:02
Name: Sue Ward My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Piano
Occupation: Music Teacher

Hi Dave, Ann & Band Members: What a great web page! I'm very impressed! It was fun to see the pictures and to get a look at one of your programs. Best wishes for a successful 1998 concert season!

02/07/98 03:21:16
Name: Sarah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: flute
Organization I Play in: my band Occupation: 7th grader

I'm just a neighbor of the site. Just strolling down the road. I'm down at 8606. Check me out! And i thought it was neat, case i live in greene county Missouri!!!

01/16/98 01:08:00
Name: Clifford J. Miller My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: squeezebox
Occupation: retired?


01/12/98 19:20:33
Name: Jane Barsumian My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: piano, organ, violin
Organization I Play in: ch org. strng. qrtet. duo. Occupation: free lancing musician

Nice web page. I have one from aol, but had heard that geocities provides a better free web site. Will work at making my own! I think community bands and orchestras help keep people SANE in an insane era!

01/06/98 10:33:09
Name: Jim Stalker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Occupation: Teacher

What a wonderful web page. I will have to bring my children to one of your concerts this summer.

01/06/98 00:27:02
Name: Ellen De Lucia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Euphonium, sort of
Organization I Play in: The #1 Community Band Occupation: Hell Raiser

Cool Page - glad I finally found it (I was listening to the wrong person) and hope this is just the beginning of our fame and fortune.

01/03/98 05:04:17
Name: Cheryl Tobin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Tenor Sax
Organization I Play in: Coxsackie Community Band Occupation: Restoration Artist

Thanks! I've enjoyed the time here. Good job!

12/31/97 04:17:46
Name: Marv Lewis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: String Bass/Tuba
Organization I Play in: any Occupation: retired

Nice looking page, keep it up

12/30/97 04:00:31
Name: Ruth Ann Barnes My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: trombone & baritone
Organization I Play in: C-A Community Band & Upper Hudson Lower Brass Occupation: School Nurse

What a great organization to be a part of...thanks! (Nice Web page too)

12/29/97 18:07:41
Name: Shailer Evans My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: euphonium
Organization I Play in: guess lol Occupation: none

Nice site-I had a little trouble getting in. By that I mean I got another site first selling stuff and then by hitting the cancelling button, there you were. I entered the site correctly so it is either designed that way or something lol..Great idea!

12/29/97 16:44:10
Name: Kristen Lindstrom My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: horn
Organization I Play in: coxsackie/athens community band Occupation: mother, kindermusik teacher and private instruction

This is great David!!!!!! You did a great job. Kristen

12/29/97 15:21:39
Name: Ann Clapper My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: tuba
Organization I Play in: Rip Van Winkle Brass Occupation: music teacher

Thanks for the great page, David. I hope we have many visitors.

12/29/97 15:04:51
Name: David Clapper My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Instrument I Play: Alto Sax
Organization I Play in: C-A Community Band Occupation: Retired Music Teacher

I hope everyone enjoys our page!

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